"blueberry pomegranate smoothie"

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"It's been a week Bianca." Leo said sitting down next to Bianca the following Friday evening.

"And? He should come to me." Bianca answered as she painted her toenails.

"He can't do that when you're avoiding him like this." Leo argued.

Since Leo had broken up with James, Fred and Bianca had stopped speaking. Bianca may have insisted it had nothing to do with her, but Leo still felt an immense guilt.

"He has a Map where he can see where I am at all times." Bianca replied. "If he wanted to, he would."

"Yes but I'm pretty sure James has had a monopoly on the Map so he can avoid me." Leo pointed out. "And Fred hasn't done anything wrong. Everything he said to me was completely true."

"That doesn't matter Leo. What matters is that he stormed over in a rage and started screaming at my best friend. That is not acceptable to me. And then when I told him to apologize to you he refused and continued on about how shitty you were." Bianca explained bitterly.

"I know. He should've minded his own business, but at the end of the day this is between me and James not you and Fred! Just talk to him. I don't want to be part of the reason you guys are fighting."

"Just because your breakup was the catalyst doesn't mean you're the reason Lele. The problem was his reaction which you could not control."

"I guess... but you've been so sulky lately. I don't even think you're really upset with him anymore."

"You don't need to worry about my love life Lele. I'm more concerned about yours anyways."

"No Bebe this is about you and Fred right now."

"Not anymore, I'm changing the conversation."

"Okay fine. I broke James's heart and consequently my own as well. And guess what? Him and I are still able to talk!"

"No you aren't." Bianca replied, "Asking him to pass you the frog legs and him grunting in response is not a conversation."

"It's more than you're at right now! And you're still technically dating him!"

"Leo. He can come to me. End of discussion."

"Fine." Leo huffed. "But you're coming to the Quidditch match with Marco and I tomorrow."

"I don't want-,"

"-If you and Fred make up then you're going to regret not going and you know it." Leo scolded.

"Why are you even going? You really want to see James? You avoid him just as much as he avoids you." Bianca argued.

"I need to take notes." Leo replied simply, "I still play against Ravenclaw and need to be prepared."

"Oh so we're still putting Quidditch above our feelings. Got it."

"Don't worry about that, I have my first therapy appointment on Monday." Leo replied casually.

"Wait really? You made an appointment?" Bianca asked with a small proud smile.

"Yeah yeah, it's not a big deal." Leo replied knowing that it was quite the big deal for her.

"I'm proud of you Lele." Bianca said giving her a hug.

"Scorpius just about forced me to ask my dad so." Leo said brushing off its significance.

"But you're still going." Bianca said.

"I guess... In honor of me going to therapy you should talk to Fred."

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