"happy christmas eve"

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Leo was always cold.

But she had never minded it. In fact, she loved the cold. Winter was her favorite time of the year, she loved the snow, and to her the best part of summer was jumping into a cold swimming pool.

She loved being cold.

Until she woke up in the morning in a cold bed. No James in sight. It was the only time she didn't want to be cold anymore.

It seemed that anytime James was around, she found herself loving the warmth more and more.

But overall Leo's life began looking up. Montague's girlfriend was a great Chaser and was added to the team on the spot. Leo honestly wished Tabitha would've tried out earlier. It also meant that the starting line up was now a majority female.

Her and James hadn't had any more sleepovers or emotional conversations, but they still were always being drawn towards one another.

They'd study together, text constantly, and complain about their friends' relationships.

"You coming to the party this year?" James asked Leo as the whole group hung out in his room. It was December 23rd, they go home on the train the next morning.

"Nah I never go." Leo answered shaking her head. She sat on his desk chair while he was on his bed. They had all broken up into side conversations.

"I thought you might this year." James replied nonchalantly.

"Why would I?"

"I don't know. Bianca and Marco have been trying to convince their parents to let them. And besides, you and I-you know, we're kind of friends ourselves."

"Just kinda?" Leo asked with a laugh.

"Oh yeah. Don't want you to get the wrong idea here." James said sarcastically. "But seriously, why don't you come this year?"

"Because I have my own traditions."

"With Narcissa." James said scrunching his nose.

"Yeah." No.

"Lameeeee." James complained. "Bianca! Marco! Tell Leo she should come to the party this year."

"Oh that's hopeless." Marco replied from over on George's bed, "We've been begging her to go to the Ball for over the past decade."

"And with no luck." Bianca said with a sigh, "We always have to suffer through without her."

"Hey, I had to go to the Halloween Gala alone."

"That's not nearly as bad as the Christmas Ball and you know it."

"You know, I'm disappointed that we never had the Yule Ball." Fred said out of nowhere, "That's one of the best rumors we've had in a while."

"So true! What a scam!" Bianca exclaimed.

"You complain as if you aren't either going to a ball or a party in two days." Leo teased.

"Ugh I need to call my mum about that again and try to convince her to let me go to the party." Bianca complained.

"Me too." Marco agreed.

"Leo too but with her gram." James said.

Actually no it would be my mum too, "Haha so funny."

"Come onnnnn." James complained.

"I'll be back for your birthday." Leo reassured him. James Potter had the terrible luck of being born on the 26th.

"But that isn't Christmas."

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