"down bad"

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James barely slept once again. Despite Leo practically forcing him to go home to get some rest, he still found himself unable to escape his thoughts.

So he decided to stop trying and just go downstairs to make his family breakfast.

They of course didn't question the fact he was up early, and only side eyed him a little for cooking so he could distract himself in peace.

He put off calling his contact as long as he could, but he knew they'd need to post online soon and get ready for the print in the morning. So at the last moment, he swallowed his pride, shoved down his dignity, and dialed the number.

"Hey Chris." James said as he picked it up.

"Hey JP, what's up?" Chris replied cheerfully.

"I have the pictures. What do you want them emailed to and how do you plan on spinning the leak?"

"Ah no need to send those over broski, but best keep them on file because I'm sure we'll be doing business again."

"What are you talking about? You promised you wouldn't run my parents story if I let you leak them." James replied angrily.

"Yes but I got a better offer for a story so you are free this time." Chris responded smoothly.

"So what? Are you gonna run their story tomorrow?" James asked concerned.

"Nah JP the story is dead. You got lucky, guardian angel is over your shoulder."

"You being for real right now?"

"Absolutely! Now you have a good day."

"Wait what story did you post instead?"

"It's up on our Instagram, go check it out and give it a like!" Chris replied automatically, "I'm sure I'll talk to you again then."

"Yeah you too Chris." James said still confused what was happening.

"Buh bye now."

"Bye." James said as he hung up the call and went to the Daily Prophet Instagram page.

" James said as he hung up the call and went to the Daily Prophet Instagram page

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liked by cynthiaottofan3, witchweekly, and 51,722 others

thedailyprophet A source close to @/gallileo has confirmed that she is 100% the daughter of Cynthia Otto. However, the mother and daughter are not currently speaking speaking due to familial issues. What happened between the pair of them? Will they ever make up? Or are hot people doomed to hate each other? Leave your predictions in the comments down below!


cynthiaotto how dare you post such a thing on my daughter's birthday! shame on you!
-> freddiekrueger but like did they lie?
-> biancazabini fred knock it off!

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