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"Your phone." James said reaching over Leo's
shoulder as she sat with Bianca and Marco in the library that evening.

"Thank God." Leo said immediately checking it.

"You know it would've been nice of you to bring me my clothes?"

"You should've texted me to bring them."

"You didn't have your- yup okay got it." James said shutting up.

"James you should go grab us food from the kitchens." Bianca suggested.

"Why would I do that?" James asked confused as he leaned on the back of Leo's chair looked over her shoulder at her homework.

"Because we're hungry? I mean Leo said she was craving pasta, Marco wants fish and I'd like a salad."

"Once again, how is that my problem?" James said confused while still looking at Leo's star charts, "I didn't mark that star down."

"James that's literally Sirius how did you miss it."

"Shit really?"

"Yes really." Leo replied amazed that he didn't recognize it.

"My thing is Transfiguration, not Astronomy." James said as he took a picture of it so he could fix his own.

"We don't mention Transfiguration at this table. I bombed our quiz on Friday."

"You should've asked me for help."

"We weren't speaking."

"So? I still would've helped."

"No you wouldn't have."

"No I probably wouldn't have." James gave in, "I was quite upset."

"And I was aware of that."

"So James, grab us dinner?" Bianca asked again. "I literally could hear Leo's stomach growl earlier."

"Bianca what the fu-," Leo began to scold.

"-Fine what do you want." James said giving in.

"Haddock please!" Marco said as Bianca began writing it down.

"I want a caesar salad." Bianca said as she wrote her own order. James reached out to grab the paper from her.

"Leo?" James asked looking down on her.

"I really don't need anything." Leo said shaking her head.

"What kind of pasta?" James asked recalling that's what Bianca mentioned.

"James I don't-,"

"-What kind?" James repeated.

"Alfredo." Leo responded.

"What kind of noodles?"

"Surprise me."

"Any chicken."


"Okay, I'll be back then because apparently I'm a server now." James said as he left the trio.

"B what was that? We could've gotten our own food!" Leo scolded her as soon as he was out of earshot.

"Oh I know. I just wanted to see if he would do it for you." Bianca replied with a smirk.

"He isn't doing it for me, he's doing it because you were badgering him."

"Sure Jan." Marco said rolling his eyes.

"You guys need to mind your own business." Leo said as she continued to work on her star charts.

"I want to see you happy with a nice boy. Is that too much to ask?" Bianca said earnestly.

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