"prince charming"

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"Leo we're going to be late for the train!" Scorpius yelled up the stairs. "Get off the phone with your boytoy and let's go!"

"Why are you yelling?" Leo asked from
behind him.

"Fuck!" Scorpius jumped whipping his head around. "Where were you?"

"I was on a run?" Leo asked curiously as she looked down to her workout clothes.

"I thought you were still getting ready."

"No I haven't even started getting ready." Leo replied once again gesturing to the sweat dripping off her more dramatically.

"If you were gonna go for a run you should've woken up earlier!" Scorpius complained.

"I was up at fucking 6 am Scorp. I did a four hour run."

"Ew! Why did you get up that early and why would you run for that long?"

"I ran for that long because I've been slacking on my training all break and we play Ravenclaw next. And I was up at 6 because James is an insufferable twat who called me over and over again until I got up." Leo walked past him to the stairs. "Now I must take a quick shower."

"Leo you need to pack!" Scorpius insisted.

"I packed last night, don't worry." Leo assured him, "And I won't wash my hair, just the stench."

"Ew. Again."

Leo wiped the sweat off her forehead and smeared it on Scorpius's arm causing him to shriek and jerk away.

"Fine go shower you bitch! But be quick about it!"

"Yes sir." Leo said sarcastically as she ran up the stairs.

"You know you are not even close to being late for the train?" Astoria asked from the nearby couch.

"Yeah but Dre and Rose always beat me there and make fun of me for it. I wanted to be there first this time." Scorpius explained.

"Even Leo's honeymoon phase with James isn't going to get her there early." Astoria joked. "She'll be first for anything other than the train."

"I don't get why she procrastinates getting on the damn train so much."

"Couldn't tell ya." Astoria replied as Scorpius sat down next to her. "I think she just gets distracted."

"Sorry sorry I'm here!" Leo said running down the stairs with her trunk after ten minutes, "I ended up washing my hair but I didn't dry it so you can't be mad."

"I'm honestly impressed it only took you ten minutes, now come on." Scorpius said sticking out his hand. "The Portkey is leaving soon."

"Wait you set up a Portkey?"

"Yes. Now come on."

"Merlin you're annoying." Leo said following him outside where a dictionary sat on the ground.

"Let's go."

After a moment of waiting for the scheduled time, the siblings held onto the book and were transported to the designated wizarding space near King's Cross.

"Come on come on we gotta get there." Scorpius grabbed her hand and started yanking her to King's Cross Station.

"The train doesn't leave for another thirty minutes what's the rush?" Leo asked as she narrowly avoided running into a child. "Sorry!" She called out behind them.

"Okay so I told mum it was just because I wanted to beat Dre and Rose for once but it's deeper than that." Scorpius replied as he continued running through the crowds, "It's actually because fucking Max has been texting Andres nonstop and he usually gets there before me and I don't want them to be alone together."

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