"happy and in love"

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Final exams, to put it plainly, kicked Leo's ass.

To her father's dismay, her grades were only ever average. Not terrible- but not spectacular.

But she always tried. Always put herself through the ringer to get decent enough grades that she wouldn't disappoint him.

So she spent her last weeks of school studying her arse off and when she finally became conscious again after the daze of exams, she was sitting in a plane on her way to America.

"What's bringing you to New York?" The woman next to Leo asked her.

"I'm visiting my mum." Leo replied. Her favorite part about being around muggles was always that she could be a little more honest- unlike most wizards who found themselves lying more around non-magical folks.

"That's so fun!" The woman replied then gestured to the young girl in the seat next to her, "We're going just as tourists."

"Have you ever been?"

"No we're first timers."

"Well I recommend seeing a show of course. I love the West End but there really is something special about Broadway." Leo advised kindly.

"We already got tickets for Lion King." The woman beamed proudly.

"That's great, I hope you both enjoy it."

"Me too. I'm a bit worried about how she'll be in Times Square, but I did all my research."

"Steering clear of the Naked Cowboy?"

"The what?" She asked concerned.

"Man in high tighty whiteys who plays the guitar." Leo replied a little amused. "I was actually in love with him when I was younger. One time when my mum was distracted I went off to go look for him and she had to call the police to find me. I made it a block before getting caught."

"How old were you?" She asked concerned.

"Uhhh twelve I believe. It was over Christmas break, so they were more concerned with me freezing than anything else. Never told my father about that one."

"I'll get her a leash if I need to." She joked but her concern was still evident, "What's your name, honey?"

"Oh it's Leo."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kayla and this little girl is Ellie."

"Pleasure to meet you both."

"Are you still in school?"

"Yeah I'm a sixth year- well I guess seventh year now." Leo answered.

"I could've never traveled to a different continent when I was your age." Kayla said appalled.

"I've been doing it for awhile." Leo said with a shrug, "Mum's American, dad's British, had to get used to it."


"Nah never married. Bastard."

"They get along though?"

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