"vain narcissistic woman"

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Leo's conversation with her father consisted of crying, stressing, and a collective anger.

When Draco had returned home to see hundreds of messages on his telephone, he had thought it was broken. Until he read a text from Scorpius explaining the situation. From there he immediately apparated to the Potter house to bring his kids home.

"How are you feeling love?" Astoria asked coming into her bedroom. It has been two days since she arrived home, and she hadn't been out of her room since.

"I don't know." Leo replied. "I'm feeling everything and nothing."

"You're doing better than I would have ever expected." Astoria said sitting down on her bed next to her.

"Yeah it really just feels like everything is building. Like I was devastated but then nothing happened. I knew that everyone found out but I wasn't confronted with it. Dre already knew and I got to tell James myself. But then Harry and Isabel learned from the muggle and the Wizarding papers. Then B and Marco rolled up wanting to talk about it. And now you and dad. But even now, I still haven't confronted it. I haven't turned my phone back on. And I'm so scared to go to any public spaces where I might actually have to experience something."

"Mhm." Astoria nodded understandably, "What is your worst case scenario?"

Leo took a moment to deliberate before answering, "I don't want people to try to separate me from you and Scorpius. Like I'm scared anytime I say brother, they'll correct me to step brother, that sort of thing."

"Leo you already do that to yourself." Astoria responded seriously yet sympathetically.

"What?" Leo asked softly.

"You can't say you're afraid of people separating yourself from Scorpius and I, when you already do that. I couldn't even tell you the last time you called me, but your father and you are in constant communication."

"Oh." Leo said softly.

"So what is a real fear that you have?" Astoria asked wanting to change the subject.

"Do you really feel that way Astoria?" Leo inquired, ignoring her attempts at diverting the conversation.

"I mean Leo, you act all loving in public but you're first to remind me that I'm just your step-mother when we're in private."

"I didn't- I didn't realize it bothered you." Leo said uncomfortably.

"I mean I don't enjoy it..." Astoria admitted.

"I just didn't think you'd care. If anything I always felt like I was ruining the whole perfect family between you, Scorp and dad."

"Oh darling, it's the opposite. You are such an important part of our family- you make it perfect."

"Really?" Leo asked softly.

"Of course! Whether I am just your step-mom or not you, Leo, are my daughter."

Leo took a shaky breath as she did her best not to cry, "I've always been so jealous of Scorp, ya know. Because he has you. And I get my lame ass excuse for a mum."

"You have me too Leo." Astoria said reaching for and squeezing her hand.

"How could she be so shitty?" Leo said as her voice cracked.

"I don't know sweetheart I don't know." Astoria replied sympathetically pulling her into her arms as she began sobbing for what felt like the fiftieth time that week.

"I'm her daughter." Leo choked out.

"And she is a mother by blood only." Astoria reassured her.

"Do you think she hates me?"

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