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"Morning." Scorpius said to Leo when she woke up the next day.

"Morning." Leo groaned as she sat up in her bed.

"How you feeling?"

"Shitty." Leo answered rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not yet."

"Okay, but we need to eventually."

"I know." Leo nodded sadly, "Where's my phone? I should tell James I'm not expelled."

"He knows." Scorpius confirmed.

"Did he text you?" Leo asked as she went to look for her phone anyways.

"No." Scorpius looked at her curiously, "Were you seriously not pretending to be asleep?"

"What are you talking about?"

"James apparated here last night to check on you." Scorpius answered.

"He what?" Leo exclaimed. "When did he even get his license?"

"Couldn't tell ya. But I woke up last night to a crack and there he was."

"What did you tell him?" Leo asked worried.

"That you didn't get expelled but it took a lot of energy out of you."

"Good." Leo nodded.

"I still don't understand how you slept through that."

"When I'm asleep I stay asleep." Leo shrugged.

"We had a full conversation!" Scorpius insisted.

"About what?" Leo questioned with a laugh.

"Just you going on trial but like, girl, we weren't whispering."

"Hmm." Leo hummed, "What did he say?"

"You want the full play by play don't you?"

"Absolutely." Leo confirmed.

"Okay: so I'm dead asleep. Then I wake up to a crack and there's James, naturally I yell. Then he tried to calm me down. As soon as I stopped freaking out about the fact I woke up to a man in your room, he immediately asked about you, like literally within seconds, and was very concerned you never texted him-,"

"-I figured he would be."

"Okay well he was absolutely geeking. Like could not go another minute without seeing you, couldn't sleep out of pure stress that you weren't okay."

"Sounds like him."

"He left after I confirmed that you weren't expelled, but kissed your forehead first during which I felt like a massive third wheel."

"Okay." Leo said with a small smile.

"He then told me to have you text him and disapparated."

"Nice." Leo replied, a trying to hide how happy it made her that James cared enough to go see her.

"And despite this you'll still deny he's in love with you."

"Stop with that love shit," Leo said shaking her head.

"I see love I say love." Scorpius reiterated.

"Tsk tsk." Leo tutted as she got out of bed. "Thanks for staying here Scorp."

"Anytime." Scorpius said with a smile as he got out of the bed as well.


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