"keep up appearances"

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"Hey can you talk to the Sam and Cedric and see if they'll give their teams the week off so we can both practice everyday? And tell them we'll do the same for them. They'd listen to you before they listen to me." Leo asked James after Potions was let out. It was the last Thursday of October with Halloween on Sunday and the Gryffindor-Slytherin game on the following Saturday.

"Yeah sure. We can alternate the morning and evening practices." James responded. Despite not wanting to do any favors for Leo, he would love to be able to have practice tuesday and thursday.

"Yeah that works. I can do mornings on Monday, Wednesday, Friday since you usually have the evenings those days already."

"You're going to practice on Friday?" James asked, "I was going to give them the day off to relax before the match."

"We need all the practice we can get." Leo replied, "I'm not going to run them to the ground, but we'll go over the plays."

"You do you." James said with a shrug.

"I don't need your judgement on my decisions."

"No judgment here." James said with a fake smile, "But I do have a proposition for you."

"And what would that be?" Leo asked annoyed.

"In the years passed, Slytherin and Gryffindor houses have gotten a bit tense during the match."

"Ya think?" Leo said with a scoff.

"Yeah I do. But I want that to be different this year, so I thought that no matter who wins we'd go to each other's party."

"No way." Leo responded shaking her head.

"And why not?" James asked exasperated.

"Because I want my team to earn the party. Not go as a consolation prize." They haven't gotten to have a party in over a decade, before Leo was even at Hogwarts. They weren't going to take a handout.

"It wouldn't be like that, it would be celebrating Quidditch as a whole and the opening game of the year."

"That's a terrible idea. Since when do you care about bloody house unity."

"When my brother and sister are in a different house! And if Gryffindor loses, I don't want Lily to think I'm upset with her, and if Slytherin wins I don't want Lily to be upset with me."

"I'll tell them they're invited Potter," Leo said giving in a little at the mention of his siblings, "But I will absolutely not being attending."

"Why the fuck not? I'm able to put aside my pride despite being so 'arrogant.'"

"It's not a matter of arrogance Potter!" Leo hadn't picked up on his reference, "It's the fact that if I attend the party after losing then that shows my team that I don't care about winning."

"That makes no sense-,"

"I agree! I agree it makes no sense but that is what will happen. They already don't view me as a leader and if I go off partying after a loss it'll undermine my authority even more!"

"Oh for fuck's sake loosen up a bit! Your team will see that you are respectful and hopefully follow in your shoes unlike all of the other Slytherin Captains over the years who throw a fucking fit when they lose."

"Are your joking right now? Jesus James what happened to the sympathy and desire to understand from before? Or are you back to your typical asshole self now that Fred and George are officially dating my friends?"

"Don't be a fucking hypocrite Malfoy."

"Potter I will tell my team they are invited to the party and you all are welcome to come to ours. But I'm not doing this shit again. Okay?"

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