"it's not creepy it's romantic."

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Leo sat in the library on Sunday copying the notes Marco took for her during Transfiguration when she wasn't paying attention. Bianca and Marco had been doing school work with her as well, but insisted that they needed a break, leaving her alone to catch up.

"Fill this out." James stood behind her as he threw a paper down in front of her. When Leo didn't move right away, he leaned over her shoulder to point at it, "Hello, Earth to Malfoy?"

"What do you want James?" Leo asked as she continued on with her notes.

"I literally just said to fill this out."

Leo sighed and then grabbed the paper to see what it was.

Bianca's favorite food.....
Marco's favorite flower.....
Both favorite movie.....

"What is this?" Leo asked as she read through thirty or some odd questions about her friends.

"My homework." James said with a sigh as he moved from behind her and spun the chair next to her so he could sit on it backwards.

"Your homework is stalking my best friends?" Leo questioned as she sat the paper back down on the table.

"Yes." James said with a nod, "Fred and George are making me. So fill it out why don't you."

"No." Leo answered as she started back on taking notes.



"Why no?"

"Because that's creepy."

"It's not creepy it's romantic."

Leo stopped writing to look back up at him, "That is not romantic Potter. Do you really think that learning everything about someone before you start dating is romantic?"

"Okay not everything. But you're telling me that if Goyle would have been like 'Oh I bought you roses because I know they're your favorite,' then you wouldn't have dated him earlier than fifth year?"

"I mean probably, but he is a terrible example."

"Why would he be a terrible example? Don't be a hypocrite Malfoy. If your boytoy could've won you over that way, then so can Fred and George. But winning over your friends not you."

"He's a terrible example because Fred and George are nothing like Ares." Leo said shaking her head.

"Yes they're a hundred times better." James said defensively.

"I know." Leo agreed.

"Don't shit talk my- wait what?" James had not expected that answer.

"I know." Leo reiterated, "They're better than Ares."

James narrowed his eyes, "I feel like this is a trap. Why would you call my friends better than you boyfriend?"

"Potter we broke up like last Thursday." Leo replied simply.

James' eyes went wide, "Oh shit really? That makes- well yeah that explains- for sure- um- You okay?"

"Are you okay?" Leo asked with a laugh at his stammering. She hadn't publicized the breakup but she also thought word would have gotten around. Guess the people preferred the narrative of her cheating.

"It's not because of me is it?" James asked concerned.

"Why would it be because of you?" Leo said looking him up and down.

"No not because of like me me. But because of like the rumors."

"You say like a lot." Leo observed, "And not entirely, but the rumors were brought up."

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