"red is your color"

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"Why do you even want to go to the game?" Melinda asked James as they walked towards the pitch.

"Because my little sister is on the team." James answered with a laugh. "And I find out whether we win or lose the Cup."

"I suppose those are good reasons." Melinda teased. "Are we sitting with your friends?"

"If you're okay with that?" James replied.

"Yeah no problem." Melinda agreed, "Your brother doesn't really like me though."

"Dre doesn't like anyone," James reassured her, "He barely likes me half the time. And he won't sit with us, if he even comes to the match he'll be hidden away with Scorp."

"Hmm. Well we all sat together for your match."

"You did?" James asked shocked, "You didn't tell me that."

"Yeah because I didn't want to worry you."

"Why would I worry?" James asked concerned.

"Because Dre said I was your girl of the week."

"Of course he did." James groaned, "I'm so sorry about him, I'll yell at him then and make him apologize."

"No need." Melinda responded, "He already apologized. Pretty sure Leo forced him to."

"She was sitting with you guys?"

"I guess technically we sat with her. She was with Scorp and Dre and I wanted to meet your brother."

"Wait why the fuck were they even there?"

"Leo said she had to take notes-,"

"-No not her. She never misses a match. I mean my brother and Scorpius. Scorpius only goes when Leo is playing and Andres doesn't care about watching me."

"They didn't say." Melinda shrugged as they headed up the bleachers.

"Weird." James replied mindlessly as he chose a seat near the front.

"Jamesieeeee." George sung as he and Marco went to take a seat next to him. "You ready for some motherfucking Quidditch."

"Fuck yeah I am." James said giving him a fist bump.

"Hi Marco!" Melinda called out over James and George.

"Hi Melinda." Marco said giving her a polite smile in return.

"Are Fred and Bianca coming?" James asked George.

"Yeah they're probably just having a quickie before they get here." George replied.

"Horny mofos." James responded with a laugh.

"When are they not?" George asked rhetorically, "How's Lily feeling about the match?"

"She's nervous as fuck." James replied, "She thinks if she doesn't catch it then she's gonna let me down."

"As if you'd ever be upset with her."

"Exactly." James said with a sigh. "I'm still just proud she's on the team."

"The party has arrived." Fred said dramatically as he and Bianca walked up the bleachers and sat down behind them.

"Just in time, they're about to start." James said as he pulled out his Quidditch notebook.

"Are you going to be scribbling away in your notebook too?" Melinda asked James.

"I have perfect handwriting," James replied in mock offense, "I will be elegantly writing in my

"What do you guys even write down?"Melinda asked curiously.

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