"cold hand"

527 21 82

tw// discussion of domestic violence

Leo actually wasn't with Bianca.

She could tell that there was no way to keep James away if he didn't think she had someone with her, so she lied. But she did it for him. Leo didn't want to stand in his way of happiness with this girl George picked for him.

Yeah Scorpius said he was miserable, but it's Scorpius. She didn't always trust his judgement of people's emotions considering he didn't think Andres was gay.

But the other reason she didn't want to talk to James, and why she never called Bianca, was because she couldn't even talk to them about what was really bothering her.

Knock Knock.

"Come in."

Leo opened the door to Adeline's office.

"Leo!" she said with a smile, "Come in! Have a seat."

"Thanks." Leo said awkwardly as she sat down.

"So, I'm assuming you want to talk about your mum and why I know?"

"Um yes and no. I need to talk about my mum yes but about something unrelated."

"Oh. Okay." Adeline said with a shrug.

"Yeah, I just um, I can't talk to my dad or Scorp about this because they'll freak out. And I know Astoria will just tell my dad so.... Process of elimination."

"Um excuse me, I am not your last option. You could've talked to Abe about it, I was still chosen." Adeline said defensively causing Leo to laugh a little.

"True. Okay so, did McGonagall ever tell you about McLaggen?"

"She did. And she said she recommended not engaging and trust me it has been killing me not to."

"She was definitely right about that."

"Oh whatever, now talk to me."

"Alright. Well I want to start out with my mum, we'll get to the McLaggen stuff later."

"Okay." Adeline nodded for her to go on.

"So. When I was younger, like before Hogwarts, my mum lived in London for a while, so I was able to see her on weekends. And uh, since I was going to be around often, a few people did know about me. Now it's a little easier for my mum to tell people than it is for my dad because she can hit them with a hundred NDAs. And she always would tell her boyfriends that I would exist and I would get to meet them and everything. And the first boyfriend I remember, his name was Javier. And Javier was always so sweet to me and my mum. He'd get me a toy every weekend he was around and buy my mum flowers whenever he felt like it. I loved Javier. I thought he was going to be my mom's Astoria. But he wasn't."

Leo looked up at Adeline who was still listening intently.

"I was like eight. I remember sitting on the edge of the bathtub in the bathroom with my mum as she covered a bruise up with concealer. I didn't know what it was from. But when I asked her if Javier- well I actually called him V because I couldn't say Javier- but um I asked her if he was coming to dinner. And she told me he wouldn't be coming around anymore. I was devastated, I mean I though this was my mum's one true love, but she was adamant it was for the best."

"Okay." Adeline said softly as Leo continued on.

"Then there was Rob. Fucking Rob. My mum fell for Rob hard. She was just completely head over heels for him. With Javier he was the cook her dinner type, all romantic. But she always said that Rob was passionate and spontaneous and everything she needed in a man. About two months after they started dating I watched her cover a bruise again. But this time she showed me how to do it too. Taught me about color correcting, the best way to blend, all of it. I asked her if Rob was still going to be around, and she said yes."

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