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"How does this look?" Leo asked turning around for Marco and Bianca.

"Hot." Marco replied impressed.

"My little girl is finally going on a date with James Sirius Potter." Bianca said wiping away fake tears.

"Your little girl also does not know what she's doing on the date. James Sirius Potter is such a twat." Leo grumbled as she powdered her face again.

"Okay well this is versatile." Bianca reassured her.

"Exactly. If it's active you're wearing pants so you'll survive, and if it's nicer then you look nice." Marco added.

"I don't really look nice." Leo said looking in the mirror, "It's a sweater and jeans and I'll probably put a jacket on too. What if he wants to go somewhere fancy!"

"I'll facetime Fred and have him show us what James is wearing." Bianca said pulling out her phone.

"Great." Leo replied sitting down on the bed next to her.

Brnng Brnng

"Hey baby." Fred said picking up.

"Hey babe, show us James right now." Bianca demanded.

"James!" Fred yelled. "Bianca wants to see you."

"No she doesn't. Leo does." James yelled back.

"Why does it matter?" Fred asked confused.

"She's a little sneak."

"And you're a dick." Leo replied into the phone.

"Leo." James grabbed the phone and Bianca quickly turned it so he couldn't see her. "Whatever you are wearing is perfectly fine."

"James I just want to know what you are wearing so I can base my own clothes off of that." Leo begged.

"...A sweater and jeans, but I'm gonna bring a winter jacket for over it."

"Omg slay that's what I'm wearing." Leo said excitedly.

"Worried over nothing."

"Hey guess what."


"Nobody cares about your opinion." Leo took the phone from Bianca and blew a kiss, "See you later love."

"I don't like you right now-." James called out as she hung up and handed Bianca back her phone.

"Okay so outfit is good. I have money just in case but I know he won't let me pay."

"Brush your teeth again!" Marco suggested.

"Yes!" Leo said going back to the bathroom, when she came back out she returned to making sure she had everything she needed. "Okay, I have lipgloss, chapstick, and my wand. What else."

"A condom?" Bianca suggested wiggling her eyebrows.

"Fine give me one." Leo stuck out her hand as Bianca reached into her side table drawer.

"Only one?" Marco asked with a smirk.

"Yes only one. It's a first date."

"Mmkay." Marco said with his hands up, "I just know all the suppressed tension is bound to come out."

"Well I'm sure he keeps one on him too." Leo said as she tucked her belongs into her coat pocket.

"Oh yeah he definitely does." Bianca nodded, "He's a man."

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