"malfoy manor"

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Leo woke up to her father's screaming. He never raised his voice at her. She quickly grabbed a robe and ran downstairs.

"What is this?" Draco demanded throwing a letter on the counter.

Leo grabbed it and quickly read through it.

She was being called to the Ministry for a trial for using underage magic.

"Shit." Leo whispered reading through it again.

"Shit? SHIT." Draco yelled, "That's all you have to say for yourself? Leo Cynthia what were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry." Leo said softly.

"Explain yourself." Draco demanded.

"You want me to explain?" Leo asked confused.

"Yes, what reason did you have for using underage magic outside of a magic household?"

"Oh." Leo has never upset her father before. But out of all the times she's upset her mother, she's never been asked for her side of the story. "It was just a healing spell. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal."

"It is a very big deal Leo! You are sixteen!" Draco insisted. "You know better than to do this!"

"I know I'm sorry." Leo apologized again, "Are they going to kick me out?"

"We can't know for sure Leo. I mean most likely they'll let you off with a warning, but they are well within their rights to expel you and we aren't exactly well liked by the Ministry."

"Fuck." Leo said frustrated, "I'm so sorry daddy."

"It's okay sweetheart, but you have to be smarter than that. You knew the consequences."

"I know. I wasn't thinking clearly."

"Well the Trial will be tomorrow. I'll have to take off work for it."

"Addy can take me." Leo suggested hopefully.

"That won't be necessary. I should be there." Draco decided.

"Are you sure? She wouldn't mind." Leo practically begged.

"No I'll be there." Draco said definitively.

"Okay." Leo nodded.

"As soon as your brother wakes up we can give you your presents."

"Sounds good." Leo agreed.

"Come here kiddo." Draco said pulling her into a hug, "Everything is gonna be okay."

"Thank you." Leo said softly.

"Of course." Draco kissed the top of her head then let go of her. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Just cereal." Leo replied.

"Boring." Draco joked as he poured her a bowl anyways.

"Whatever." Leo said taking it from his hands.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Leo said with a small smile.


"I'm inviting Dre over, do you want me to tell him to bring James?" Scorpius asked Leo after they finished exchanging gifts with her.

Leo shot him a warning look as she motioned to Draco in the other room.

"He doesn't have that good of ears." Scorpius said brushing it off. "So is that a yes?"

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