"happy birthday"

488 21 21

lovebirds + whatever leo and james are

Friend-in-law #1:
don't forget about leo's
birthday party tonite ‼️

Freddie Krueger:
babe how could we?
you text us about it everyday

mí hermosa:
bebe idk why you're being
so anal about my birthday lmao
mí hermosa:
it ain't even a party- more of a shindig

Friend-in-law #1:
bc last year's was lackluster!

Friend-in-law #2:
that's bc we didn't have other friends

mí hermosa:
no it's bc we decided to
do smth last minute

Friend-in-law #2:
ah yes bc gargoyle decided to ditch you

mí hermosa:

King George:

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King George:

Freddie Krueger:we'll be at the party b- stop stressing

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Freddie Krueger:
we'll be at the party b- stop stressing

Friend-in-law #1:
james hasn't answered

Freddie Krueger:
james wouldn't miss it for
the world and you
damn well know that

Friend-in-law #1:
true he stays being whipped

mí hermosa:
i'm still here guys...

I'll be there
Might just be late

Friend-in-law #2:
i'm shocked
Friend-in-law #2:
gobsmacked truly
Friend-in-law #2:
i'd thought he'd be there
early for some alone time with-

King George:
did you just cut yourself off

Friend-in-law #2:
yeah that was to signal leo slapping me

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