"jealousy is a bad look"

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"Hi Melinda, can I talk to you for a second?" Leo asked as she approached her in the library.

"Yeah of course have a seat." Melinda said gesturing to the chair next to her. "What's up?"

"Okay so I wanted to apologize for my behavior on Friday. I hate the whole drunk excuse but apparently when I'm drunk the fashion critic in me takes over and forgets that no one gives a damn about my opinion. So I am absolutely sorry that I was rude to you unprompted, it was not at all my intent to be, but I was and I am sorry." Leo said nervously as she fiddled with her bracelet.

"Leo I wasn't insulted at all, didn't think a thing of it." Melinda said kindly, "However, I did want to speak with you about something else."

"Okay hit me." Leo nodded relieved that she wasn't upset.

"I mentioned that I spoke to you when I was with James and he confessed you two dated?" Melinda said then waited for her confirmation.

"That's correct."

"He didn't give me any other details than that, but I was curious if you two were still like friends orrr..." Melinda drifted off.

"I mean, not really. Obviously our friends are dating and I've been close with his siblings even before we got together, but him and I sort of just fell into acquaintance territory. We're partners in a few classes and we'll speak during them but not about anything deep and we don't really speak outside of class." Leo explained.

"Okay, that's honestly relieving to hear. I've had issues before with my boyfriends getting back with their exes, and I just didn't want that to be one of these circumstances." Melinda said, "Why did you two break up, may I ask?"

"I broke up with him." Leo answered, "I just have some personal issues going on and I couldn't have a boyfriend right now." Leo noticed that her response disappointed Melinda a little, "But don't worry, I fully supported him moving on and everything- in fact I encouraged it. So I'm glad you and him are together."

"We're not officially together yet, but yeah we're getting there."

"Well I'm still happy for you both." And Leo was. But that didn't mean it didn't sting a bit.

"Thank you. I just ask that if we do start dating you continue to back off of him." Melinda suggested hopefully.

"Understandable." Leo nodded. "I wouldn't do anything to mess up your relationship."

"Glad to hear it." Melinda said with a smile, "This was a good chat. I'm happy we got to have it."

"Yeah me too." Leo said as she got up from the table, "Have a nice day."

"You as well." Melinda replied as Leo got up and left the library.

"Leo what the fuck?" She heard as soon as she was in the hall. Leo looked around but couldn't find the source of the voice until James whipped off his cloak. "Why are you talking with Melinda?"

"Jesus James." Leo said putting her hand on her heart, "You can't do that."

"Leo why were you talking to her?"

"Why were you stalking me?" Leo asked in return as she recovered from the shock of seeing him.

"Well when I look at the Map and see you with the girl I've been talking to I get a little fucking concerned. I only heard the end of the conversation don't worry."

"So stalking and eavesdropping? How gentleman-like of you." Leo said rolling her eyes, "I was apologizing to her because I was accidentally rude to her at the party. I apparently lose all social skills when I'm drunk. Then she wanted to make sure that I wasn't one of those exes who was trying to get you back and I reassured her I was not. Nothing too big."

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