"my bra is next to you"

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James woke up with a pounding headache and a boatload of confusion.

He could immediately tell that he wasn't in his own room and was ready to beat himself up over who he must've hooked up with.

He grabbed his glasses and when he put them on he spotted a framed photo of Leo, Marco, and Bianca. The memories from the night before came flooding back as he processed that he got wasted and Leo let him crash in her room.

James sat up as he held his aching head and noticed that there was a note left next to a bottle of water. 'Didn't have a hangover potion, only muggle painkillers."

James downed two of the pills she had left out for him. And scanned the room. She wasn't sleeping in Bianca's bed nor were the sheets messed up. It was 6am as usual so James was unsure why she would already be awake.

He quickly got up out of the bed and realized he was in his pajamas and not his jeans. He grabbed his clothes from yesterday along with the other things that Leo had sat by the door. He threw on the Invisibility cloak before heading out of Leo's dorm.

When James entered the Common Room, he spotted a lump on the couch in the corner.

Leo slept out here to give him the room alone.

James let out a shaky breath before storming out of the Common Room and heading to his own.

As soon as he got back, he threw the door open to his own dorm, chucked his clothes on the floor and slid down the door to sit on the ground.

"Uhhh James?" Fred said sheepishly from his bed.

"I hate her. I hate her so fucking much." James replied staring straight ahead.


"Leo. I hate her. Why does she get to absolutely wreck me then also treat me with such immense kindness, it isn't fucking fair. I hate her." James said burying his head in his hands.

"What happened?"

"I got pretty drunk last night. Ran into her when I was wandering the halls and she brought me to her room to sleep. She slept in her Common Room on a bloody couch."

"She really just can't stop trying to pretend she's the bad guy." Fred replied shaking his head.

"Are you fucking serious?" Bianca asked as she popped up from under the comforter.

"Ahhh!" James screamed putting his hand to his heart, "Shit I forgot she'd be here."

"Bianca you don't understand-," Fred tried to defend himself.

"-You're right! I don't understand why you are shit talking Leo right now as if she didn't just do the honorable thing last night! Would you prefer her to just leave him drunk in the halls? You're so fucking stupid!" Bianca yelled directly at Fred.

"Babe. You don't get it. It is my duty as James's best friend to shit talk his ex! That is like a literal rule!"

"And it's also a rule not to shit talk your girlfriend's best friends!"

"Hey guys. This whole thing is sort of none of your guys' business...." James said from the floor bringing their attention back to him.

"James you are fully in your rights to say whatever you want about Leo- I only have a problem with Fred right now." Bianca replied.

"Well no matter what I don't really want to say or do shit with you here. That's rude of me. So leave."

"Wow Fred you see that. James is smart enough to not talk bad about Leo in front of me."

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