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"How much longer till your home?" Scorpius asked over the phone.

"Eight days," Leo replied.

"That's soooo longgggg." Scorpius whined.

"Didn't expect you to miss me this much." Leo said with a laugh.

"I'm tired of James having to be around every time I hang out with Dre."

"Why does he have to be around?"

"Our parents all work and they don't trust us alone."

"Since when did Harry work?" Leo questioned.

"He's volunteering at some shelter."

"Good for him."

"But bad for me." Scorpius complained.

"Oh shut up Scorpy, I'm sure he isn't that bad. He was never strict with you before."

"That's because you were always there to keep him distracted." Scorpius pointed out.

"Well I'm not there so I can't help with that."

"You could call him." Scorpius suggested.

"That would be weird Scorp. And borderline manipulative." Leo argued.

"Only manipulative if you don't actually want to talk to him which I find doubtful."

"I'm not calling him Scorpius." Leo said definitively.

"And what if he calls you?"

"Uhhh I mean I'd answer."

"Perfect. That's all I needed. Love you bye."

"Christ's sake Scorp, goodbye." Leo said as he hung up the phone.

Today was one of her days off, so Leo was set to help Louis's wife, Barbara, with her gardening.

They, of course, lived in a shoebox apartment, but Barbara ran a community garden on the roof.

The pair worked quietly as Leo weeded and Barbara watered. After about an hour they took a break for some lemonade that Louis brought up for them.

"Garden is looking good." Leo said as she sipped on her drink.

"We don't talk about the gardening during breaks. This is when we gossip." Barbara said shutting her down.

"Okay," Leo said laughing, "What do you want to gossip about?"

"I know nothing of your life! How are your friends? You have a boyfriend?"

"My friends are great. Their names are Marco and Bianca, and I guess I'm friends with their boyfriends as well. That's George and Fred. But no boyfriend for me."


"No girlfriend either."

"How does a pretty girl like you not have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Barbara asked appalled.

"I had a boyfriend, but then kinda screwed it up." Leo said not wanting to go into the details again.

"So we move onto the next boy!" Barbara replied supportively.

"... I don't want to do that."

"Ah so we're trying to win this boy back. We can work with that."

"Not really trying to win him back. More like trying to figure out how to be in a relationship with him that's healthy."

"Hmmm that's much more complicated."

"Agreed." Leo said as her phone began buzzing in her pocket, "Fucking Hell."

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