"back off"

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"Are you gonna try to get up?" Bianca asked as Marco laid Leo down on the Slytherin Common Room couch. It was still early, but they figured they'd put her down there before anyone had the chance to take it.

"I don't think I can get up." Leo replied honestly, "My head do be pounding."

"We'll take you up to bed anytime you want." Marco reassured her then handed her a whistle. "Blow this if you need anything and we're not here."

"You best not be leaving me." Leo warned the pair. "Normally I don't care, but not when I'm stuck in one place."

"We don't plan on it, it's just a safety precaution." Marco clarified,

"Like if I go to get a drink and then Marco has to piss." Bianca explained.

"Mhm." Leo replied not convinced.

Marco and Bianca sat on the ground in front of the couch as they waited for the party to fully begin.

"The drinks are finally here." Marco said standing up.

"Just grab a bottle honestly." Bianca suggested.

"Sounds good." Marco said as he left the two girls.

"So I know it's been a hectic week for you as always with Quidditch, but how are you?" Bianca asked concerned.

"About what?" Leo asked in return.

"You know... like James and Melinda."

"I dunno." Leo said, surprising Bianca that she didn't just deny everything, "They seem happy from what I've witnessed. That's what I wanted for him."

"Yeah... They look good together. But she keeps trying to do things with Marco and I and I'm just like- girl no? I'll be friendly with you, but Leo is my day one bitch."

"I don't mind if you want to do things with her, she's cool."

"But she's not you baby." Bianca said in return, "For me the issue lies in what she considers to be a group hangout versus like a double date. Cause if I'm hanging in the dorm with Fred, Marco, and George, then you're always like invited to come over too. But in her head those situations are double or triple dates in which case it would be weird if you came. Obvi we didn't have an issue since you were busy all week anyways, but it still came up a bit like when you would get back from practices."

"Hmmm. Well that one is up to you then. As long as you, Marco, and I still get our own hangout times it's all good."

"Yeah I guess." Bianca agreed reluctantly, "Life was just easier when you were dating James."

"Yeah it was." Leo agreed, "But I'm not anymore."

"I know."

"Captain!!" Montague called out as he and Tabitha approached her.

"Hey guys." Leo said as a smile broke out on her face.

"I didn't expect you to be freed from Pomfrey." Tabitha said as she sat on the ground next to Bianca.

"She's on strict instructions to drink this potion." Bianca said pulling it out of her pocket.

"Did she tell you what that one's for?" Leo asked, "Because I could seriously use something for headaches- it's been getting worse and worse."

"I have no clue." Bianca said looking at it, "Ask George when he gets here. He's good at potions."

"Okay I will." Leo agreed, then turned to Montague and Tabitha. "You guys go get something to drink."

"You sure Captain?" Montague asked.

"Of course! Go party for me. I'm confined to the couch."

"If you insist." Tabitha said with a laugh as she and Montague stood up.

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