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Doctor Stephen Crogs - scientist behind all of the stuff

Cole Bernard - young man, strongest of the bunch, kind of a coward (Amelia)

Amelia Kopkin - young woman, most wise of the kids (Cole) -

Lenore Andrews - young woman, not very smart but loving and most caring of the kids (Knox)

Westley Sevege - young man, most savvy of the bunch (Megan) -

Megan Hunt - young woman, best with technology (Westley)

Upton Quincey - young man, good with words (Valarie) -

Millie Dinzel - young woman, best with flirting and getting away with things (Zander) -

Valirie Merchant - young woman, most uplifting of the bunch (Upton)

Zander Endicott - young man, good at a lot of things (Millie)

Knox Gardner - young man, most mean, and biggest asshole of the bunch (Lenore) -


Other Characters

Jesus Christ

Augustus Caesar

Judas Iscariot

Peter Simeon

Mary Christ

Joseph Christ

Mary Magdalene



Samantha - Paul's Neighbor

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