Chapter 2

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Vivian constantly huffed on her gloved hands as she walked down the streets carefully not to slip or trip over the snow that was accumulated on the sidewalk.

She checked the time on her white Ted Baker watch and saw that it was already 4:30 pm, she groaned in annoyance as she increased her speed walking a little fast towards her home.

But luck was surely not on her side today as she slipped on the gathered snow and fell on her back.

She hissed in pain and grabbed her long reddish brown hair that fell over her face and secured it with the scrunchie that was always on her right wrist.

She carefully stood up and started walking towards her home, soon her two-story house came into view with snow all over the roof.

Vivian smiled in contentment as she walked over to the door and rang the doorbell, waiting for her mom to open the door like always.

She was not disappointed as a pretty woman in her early 40s opened the door looking a little angry, to which Vivian replied with a sheepish smile.

"Viv! Now you are here! I told you to come by 4 pm!" her mother shouted at her not even asking her to come inside first.

She pouted and got inside her house as her mother closed the door behind her.

"You know Amelia, she was late again, so I had to do her shift till she came."

She said to her mom in her soft voice as she continued "So you know as compensation she is going to buy me anything today at the mall".

Her mom frowned "You are going to the mall? No! Not today" her mother said a little sadly and as she was about to say something else her father came in smiling at Vivian.

"Viv you are finally here? We were about to cut your birthday cake without you" her father said as he pecked her on her cheeks.

"How can you! It's not every day I turn 16!" Vivian said and pouted a little at her dad who had spoiled her rotten since her childhood. 

"Still you are not going anywhere today, spend time with us." her mother said bringing Vivian's favorite red velvet cake that nearly had Vivian drooling over it. "It looks even better this year," Vivian said trying to please her mom and nearly stating the truth.

"Flattery will get you nowhere," her mother said knowing her for 15, now 16 years, and smiled a little knowing that she would have to melt in the end.

Vivian sighed in disappointment as her father just laughed heartily at them with eyes full of love and adoration. 

"Stop laughing!" both mother and daughter shouted at him and he raised his hands as a sign of surrender.

"Momma please let me go, I will be back before 10 pm! Please!" Vivian said holding her mother's arm and kissing her on the cheeks many times trying to break her mother's act of being strict.

After a few seconds her mother finally broke into a full smile "Ok, ok go. And stop it!" her mother said while giggling and pushing her away.

Vivian smiled, now satisfied that she won the little war against her mother, and picked up the knife to cut the cake.

The Brooks celebrated their daughter's 16th birthday with an amazing cake and a delicious meal to go with it.

Vivian finally went inside her room full of 1 hour of celebration, she again opened the blue box which was the gift she received from her parents and a soft smile made its way to her face. It was a beautiful light pink rose teardrop necklace enriched with small studded diamonds.

She wore the beautiful necklace and looked at herself in the mirror, her bright bottle green eyes which complemented her reddish brown hair were looking back at her as she slowly shifted her gaze to the beautiful present she just received and touched it slightly while smiling. Vivian lightly jumped in surprise as her phone suddenly started ringing.

"Hello" She said picking up the phone while playing with her necklace.

"Viv! Get ready fast. My shift just ended, let's go to the mall" her best friend Amelia said excitedly from the other side.

Vivian chuckled "Ok come pick me up at 10 minutes", she said and hung up after Amelia replied with an overexcited okay.

Vivian giggled at the thought of Amelia, she was 18 unlike Vivian but still acted like a kid.

She still remembers the day they became friends at the library they both were looking up books for the best medical universities in Manchester when they sat next to each other and became friends due to mutual interest. 

Vivian quickly searched her closet for a good outfit to wear on her birthday and quickly stumbled upon one of her favorite outfits, her face brightened up as she quickly wore the light pink full full-sleeved, grey, and light purple checkered skirt with grey thigh-high boots and light pink side bag with her phone and some cash to complete her look. She straightened her waist-length hair and let it fall free on her back.

As Vivian was completely dressed and was about to walk out of the room, she heard a car honking outside her, she ran towards her bedroom window which was still fogged due to the snow, and opened it to look outside.

She looked down and saw a white range rover with a brunette girl sitting in the front seat bobbing her head out and waving at her and shivering at the same time due to the cold. "Coming!" Vivian shouted from her window as the brunette girl nodded and quickly closed the window due to the cold air.

Vivian ran down the stairs and wore her white overcoat while opening the door before shouting "Bye Ma and Pa" and ran before shutting the wooden door behind her.

She went towards the white car and sat in the passenger seat, securing herself with the grey seatbelt as Amelia started driving. "So which mall are we going?" Vivian asked Amelia, who glanced at Vivian with her silver-grey eyes before smiling and looking back at the road.

"Diana Mall," Amelia said with an excited glint in her eyes.

"But why? I mean it's kind of expensive" Vivian said sadly while looking down at her and Amelia just chucked.

"Viv, you don't have to worry about the expenses, today's on me, and it's your birthday. Now cheer up!" Amelia said while pinching Vivian's chubby cheeks and Vivian just chuckled at her.


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