Chapter 19

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Vivian was currently sitting with her friends and her family while she continuously gulped down wine.

"Viv stop now, you will get drunk," Amelia said while taking the glass away from her.

Vivian groaned in annoyance "Give it to me! I am celebrating my 15 minutes of freedom!" Vivian shouted.

After two whole hours of celebration and being stuck with the devil, Dominic had told her that he had a small discussion with someone and that he'd be back in 15 minutes.

"Hey Viv, you remember the guy I told you about" Amelia whispered beside Vivian as she looked at her.

"Yeah, what was his name Mur- Murder?" Vivian said as she made a silly face while hiccuping in between.

Amelia giggled "Murter" she corrected "Gosh Viv, you are completely wasted," she said as Vivian took another wine glass and started drinking, while her parents and other friends were talking to each other.

"Yeah so as I was saying, he's the guy who brought your 'crowns' to the stage," Amelia said while emphasizing the crown word as Vivian choked on her wine and coughed a little "YOU M-" She was about to shout loudly but stopped when Amelia shushed her looking around her.

Vivian cleared her throat "You mean he is related to Dominic?!" Vivian whispered shouted at Amelia who just nodded a little.

"I think so" she whispered back.

"No no no stay away from him, I don't want even you, getting involved in the mafia," Vivian said as she shook her head disapprovingly

Amelia sighed as she looked down "But you know he is really nice and he-he is really good" Amelia said as she blushed a little.

"YO- you already did it with him?!" Vivian whispered shouted again while looking at her with furious eyes.

"I mean, kind of" she said lowly.

"What do mean kind of?!" Vivian bit back all her drunkenness disappearing in stress.

"Ok ok, I will stay away from him ok? But he won't stop staring!" Amelia said as she looked to her right.

Vivian followed her gaze and saw the same man suited in navy blue, staring directly at Amelia through his piercing black eyes.

"Oh god!" Vivian whispered as she held her head in her palms and closed her eyes to relieve the throbbing pain that was forming in her head.

"I won't talk to him ok!" Amelia said to Vivian reassuringly as she held her hand.

"I just want you to be safe Lia" she whispered and before she could speak anything else two pair of hands wrapped themselves around Vivian. Vivian looked back to see Donna smiling down at her.

"Hello sister-in-law," she said as she pulled up a chair on the other side of Vivian and sat down.

"Hi Donna" Vivian replied.

"So who is the maid of honor?" she asked while looking at her curiously.

"I haven't really thought about it but Amelia will be my maid of honor and Stacey--" she pointed towards the blonde girl who was sitting beside James "--will be my bridesmaid".

Donna's eyes shined happily as she smiled slyly "Say Vivian can I be your bridesmaid too? Pretty please!" she asked while looking at her innocently.

Vivian looked at Amelia and they both burst out laughing while Donna just gave them a confused look "Of course you can silly girl" Vivian said as she chuckled at the childishness of the girl.

"Yes! Then let's go shopping tomorrow to buy bridesmaid dresses as big brother has already got your dress done" Vivian nodded as she gulped her wine again, her nervousness building up as she was reminded of her wedding in 2 days.

Vivian reached out to grab another glass but a cold rough hand stopped her, she turned around with an annoyed face and rolled her eyes when she saw that it was Dominic.

"Do I have to stop you every time from drinking?" Dominic said while glaring at her.

"Then don't ok? Just leave me alone and let me enjoy my freedom!" Vivian snapped, her drunken state boosting her confidence.

Everyone gasped at her table as Donna covered Vivian's mouth, fearing what her brother would do if she said anything else but Vivian just shook her off and stood up maintaining eye contact with him.

Dominic gave out a cruel smirk as he wanted to find out how far his little drunk vixen could go "Oh? Your freedom? Who stole your freedom baby?" Dominic asked knowing full well it was none other than him but still wanted to tease her and wanted to know what her reply would be.

"B-Brother she is dr-" Donna started but stopped when she got a death glare from her brother.

Vivian smiled as she swayed a little, she put her finger on his chest "You! You are the monster that stole it! I don't want to be a queen! Hell! I don't even want to see your face!" Vivian shouted as some people looked towards them and started whispering.

"Viv! Shut up!" Amelia whispered while pulling her down to sit but Vivian shook her hand off.

"You say that you love me?" Vivian said and laughed hysterically, suddenly the whole room went silent as she continued "WELL IF YOU LOVED ME YOU WOULDN'T HAVE SHOT MY MOM!" she shouted at the top of her lungs while pointing towards Stacey thinking that it was her mom in her drunken state.

Dominic's jaw clenched as he fisted his hands and his eyes became slightly red in fury, he breathed in and out trying to control his anger but failed.

Vivian felt a sharp sting on her left cheek as her head turned towards the right, the whole room gasped as her friends came towards her.

"Brother what are you doing!" Donna shouted as she went towards Vivian and her father roared in anger but was held down by his bodyguards.

Vivian's head rang as she tried to understand what just happened, Dominic held Vivian's hair painfully in his grasp as he started dragging her towards the exit.

"Stop!" a voice shouted from behind, Dominic turned to see that it was one of her chaps.

Tyler maybe? he thought as the boy came towards Vivian "Leave her" he said trying not to shake from the domineering man's aura and glare.

"Excuse you, little boy?" Dominic snapped at him, his bodyguards ready to beat him down but he indicated them to wait.

"I said leave her you bastard!" he shouted at the same time stepping back a little, afraid of what he would do.

Dominic's anger was intensified by this spineless boy's whining as he didn't even notice when his fist flew and landed on the boy's face, making him fall on the floor with blood oozing out of his nose.

Tyler's friends ran towards him and tried to get him up as they threw dirty glares at Dominic.

Vivian by now was sobbing beside him as he had clutched her hair even tighter restricting her to go to Tyler.

"I hate you" she muttered while crying continuously as he dragged her towards his black car.

"Drive!" he barked as the car roared back to life.


I almost feel sorry for Vivian now, what are your thoughts?

Do you hate Dominic?

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