Chapter 5

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It was 11 at night when Dominic closed his car door and went inside his mansion and then into the huge master bedroom.

He took out his tie and then his coat and shirt so that now his 8 packs were in full display.

He went inside the shower and took a long hot bath to calm his muscles and release the tension as he sighed in relief.

After a good 15 minutes of bath, he went outside in his bedroom wearing only sweatpants and plopped on a soft bed while closing his eyes and the only thing that came to his mind was his angel.

He thought about her all day today and miserably failed when he tried to distract himself with work, he just couldn't understand her kindness because every time he saw her she was helping people.

Would she be happy when he took her to his world? Would she be happy when he made her his? Would she be happy when she will become the queen of his darkness?

He thought about these questions all day but he just couldn't bare the thought of her becoming someone else's.

As he was about to fall asleep he heard a bing on his phone and he opened his eyes quickly.

He scrambled his phone from the nightstand and opened it after putting on his password.

He saw that there was an email from Jones, the private detective whom he had told to do an investigation on his angel.

A smile automatically came to his face as a picture of the redhead girl was inside as he opened it. He started reading it

Name: Vivian Brooks

Age: 16 (15 December).

High School junior. (Lincoln High)

Height: 5'6

Father's Name: Ethan Brooks [College Professor]

Mother's Name: Melanie Ethan Brooks [Housewife]

Part-time Job: "Anything" Convenience Store. [Monday to Friday 12 pm to 3 pm.]

Best Friend: Amelia Baker (18)

Other Close friends: James & Tyler Ainsley. [16].

Relationship Status: Single.

Pursuing Career: Doctor.

=》Boss this is what I was able to collect in such a short time, if you need anything else please tell me.

Dominic looked at the email for a few more seconds before he shut his phone and kept it on the nightstand again.

His brows creased in tension as he kept his right hand over his forehead while still laying down.

Isn't she a little too young?

He thought as he closed his eyes still frowning.

Whatever, I will take her! Maybe I will have to wait for her to turn 18 and graduate, but I will wait for her and then take her away!

He thought and he knew that it was going to be tough but he just had to wait 2 years for her and he would ensure her security and watch over her until it was finally time for him to present himself in front of her and while thinking about various things he didn't notice when he closed his eyes succumbed into the darkness.


2 years later

"Vivian! Get ready! You can't be late today!" Vivian's mom's voice boomed throughout the house as Vivian groaned and opened her eyes in annoyance.

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