Chapter 40

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"Remember, don't talk to anyone unless spoken to. This place is dangerous and full of people involved in the Mafia" Dominic said as he held Vivian's hand, Vivian nodded while looking at his serious face.

Dominic took out a box and opened it revealing two deep blue colored masks, one was decorated with feathers while the other one was simple with less designs. Dominic took out the feather one and wrapped it around Vivian face and did the same with his.

"Let's go" he said as he held her hand and got out of the car, the lights from the cameras were blinding and noise from the press outside the main building was causing a slight headache. Linda, Donna, Murter & Bradley had already arrived to the venue and were probably waiting for the main guests of the night, Dominic and Vivian.

They entered the glass building with Dominic's arm tightly secured against her waist , none of the press could even reach them due to the bodyguards, all of these just gave a sense of Deja Vu to Vivian.

The huge hall was decorated with expensive flowers and shiny chandeliers with many people dressed just as fancy with masks to match them.

The whole room quited down as they turned towards them and slightly bowed, none of them even daring to look at the domineering man and his wife.

Everyone knew even with the masks just who were behind them, the King and Queen of underworld and the people who could make them disappear with just a snap of their fingers.

Vivian squirmed a little, feeling uncomfortable due all the attention until a man clapped his hands together breaking the awkward ice that had formed as everyone slowly went back to their conversation.

Dominic and Vivian entered the hall as the man approached them, a dark brown suit and a white shirt underneath with a matching brown mask over his mesmerizing brown eyes.

The man's physique looked young but the way he carried himself with so much confidence showed that he had experience to match it.

"Mr. & Mrs. Bernardi Welcome to our Annual Masquerade Ball. Hope you will enjoy yourselves" he said, his voice sounded peculiarly deep as Vivian furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Dominic to find him giving the man the same expression.

"You are welcome Mr Bianchi. Your father is not present this year?" he asked the masked man as the man let out a humourless laugh.

"Yes, he was feeling a little under the weather that's why he is resting in his room" he replied as his gaze fell on Vivian and lingered a little longer than necessary, Vivian scowled at him and looked away.

"Well I have to go and greet other guests, so if you'll excuse me" he said before bowing as Dominic nodded and he left.

"Darling you alright?" he asked once the man left and looked at her small form as they walked towards their family and friends who were indulged in a conversation with others.

"I don't know why but I don't like him" she confessed truthfully as Dominic hummed.

"Me too, something is going on" he replied as he locked gazes with Murter who just nodded and took out his phone and disappeared while calling someone.

"Come on Viv, I want to introduce you to my friends!" Donna said as she held Vivian's hand, Vivian looked up at Dominic who still had his iron grip on her.

"Go and stay with her. I have business with some people here and remember No Drinking." he whispered in her ear as she nodded.

Dominic gave her a small smile as he turned her head and pecked her lips before walking away, leaving an embarrassed Vivian behind. "You guys are so cute!" Donna squealed as she continued "he doesn't hurt you now right?" she asked,suddenly turning serious.

"No he doesn't" she lied as she remembered the beautiful little tracking and recording device around her neck.

Donna smiled brightly as she sighed in relief and started introducing Vivian to her friends.


It's been a few hours since Vivian had arrived at this fancy ball and Dominic was nowhere to be seen.

Of course he came a few times to check on her but was called back immediately after to discuss business matters.

Vivian sighed while sitting on the bar chair, she eyed the people drinking wine but she couldn't do anything, She was not allowed to drink!. And she wasn't ready to face Dominic's wrath again by not following his orders.

Vivian looked back at Donna who was standing a little far from her, flirting with her ex boyfriend, as she told her and then her gaze fell on Linda who was talking to her friends.

Vivian snapped her head back feeling someone's gaze on her and looked around but found no one. "Where did the bartender go?" she thought as she looked around to see that she was completely alone on the counter.

She stood up and decided to make her way to Donna but before she could walk away everything went dark with an ear piercing sound in the background.

Vivian covered her ears as she tried to block the intruding sound but failed. She looked around to find even a little source of light but there was none, she tried to take out her cellphone but she felt someone tap her on the shoulder and she turned around she felt a cloth pressed against her face as she let out a muffled cry.

"Vivian?" she heard Donna's voice from a distance as she tried to scream and hold her breath at the same time.

"Breathe" a deep voice said as she tried to pry off the strong hand on her. Her head started spinning as she didn't have any choice but to breathe now and just before she fell into unconsciousness, she turned around, she could see a faint figure in the dark but she recognized those stormy brown eyes with the brown mask.. Mr Bianchi?

The man picked up the now limp body as he made his towards the backroom and opened the door, revealing a redhead with a petite form dressed in a pink hoodie and jeans.

"Do it fast" he commanded the redhead as she nodded quickly and sat Vivian on a chair and made his way out slamming the door behind him.

He kept tapping his foot on the ground while waiting impatiently, he could hear ruckus in the main hall as he slammed his fist on the door "IS IT DONE?!" he yelled.

"Just a second" a voice replied as the door swung open.

Vivian now laid on the chair wearing the pink hoodie and jeans while the other redhead wore her blue ball gown and her mask.

The man frowned when he looked at Vivian's heels "What about the heels" he asked, the redhead shook her head "They won't notice, the dress is long enough to cover my feet" she said .

The man nodded but turned around and slapped the poor girl "What about the fucking pendant?!" he screamed as the girl quickly went near Vivian and took off her red ruby pendant and wore it "Sorry I didn't notice it" she replied.

The man nodded as he looked at her up and down "Good, you almost look like her" he said as he continued "Jasmine remember to buy us as much time as possible and when you are questioned remember what this is for" the man said as he pointed towards her bead bracelet.

Jasmine gulped audibly as she quickly nodded "If you disclose any information you know what will happen to your family right?" he further said as Jasmine bowed in front of him.

"Now go and don't disappoint me" he said as Jasmine nodded. The covered Vivian's head with the hood as he picked her up and made his way out through the back door while Jasmine made her way to the hall while fixing her mask.


I don't know why but I am really enjoying writing Vivian getting kidnapped.. Guess I really am fucked up in the head.

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