Chapter 22

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Viv what did he say? He didn't hurt you right?" Donna asked, her eyebrows scrunched in worry as she held Vivian by her shoulder.

"No" Vivian whispered while looking at the black dress.

"Ok then, Viv answer my previous question" she asked while backing down and sitting on her bed, as Vivian gave her a confused look.

"Do YOU love him?" Donna asked with a serious expression as Vivian remembered what Dominic had just said, her heart started beating wildly as she looked at her red ruby necklace.

"Yes, I love him very much" Vivian lied with a straight face, as much as she wanted to tell the truth she lied. Donna sighed in relief.

"I was worried for a second" Donna said while smiling a little, but her face hardened again "but what about the burnt marks" she inquired.

Vivian's heart squeezed in nervousness as her palms started sweating "Donna, please don't mind but this is a personal matter" Vivian said softly, cursing herself in her mind. I am so sorry Donna, she thought.

Donna eyes widened in surprise as her face broke into a small smile "Well of course, I am sorry. I have a habit of poking my nose everywhere" she sounded hurt but covered it up with her goofy attitude.

"I am sorry Donna" Vivian whispered while looking at her sadly, praying that she would get the answer by her expressions.

Donna's eyes softened "It's ok I get it" she muttered lowly under her breath as she walked into her closet to change.


"Not that one!" Vivian shouted while sitting on the white comfortable couch of the designer shop and drinking orange juice while complaining every time.

"Oh come on Viv! We are trying dresses for the last 2 hours!" Stacey whined as Amelia nodded her head in agreement while Donna just giggled like a little kid.

"That's because you guys have 0 fashion sense! You are trying all of the trashy dresses" Vivian shouted as the salesgirl gave her look.

Vivian clicked her tongue as everyone laughed. "Ok ok whatever, go and try that blue one" Vivian ordered while slurping on her juice.

"This is the last one I swear or I'll kill you" Amelia said while picking up the long dark blue satin bridesmaid dress with a small narrow slit on the front and walked in the dressing room with the other two.

"You know you love me" Vivian shouted behind her while smiling a little.

It was currently 4 in the evening as Vivian and her friends were shopping for their bridesmaids dresses

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It was currently 4 in the evening as Vivian and her friends were shopping for their bridesmaids dresses.

Vivian looked around the elegant shop that Donna had recommended which was decorated with white and purple, giving out perfect wedding vibes.

Vivian kept tapping on the white marbled floor while waiting impatiently for her friends to come out.

Vivian's gaze landed on the small cafe in front of the shop while outside the window as her stomach grumbled in hunger.

She blushed and looked around to see if anyone heard, but sighed in relief as she noticed that the salesgirls were busy serving their customers.

The changing rooms clicked open as all the three of them came out at the same time as Vivian's eyes widened in admiration "It's perfect" Vivian said while smiling a little. "I know right ! I love the material" Donna said while the salesgirl smiled proudly beside her.

"Hey let's go to that cafe" Vivian said as she pointed towards the cafe, after they had paid for everything and now were standing outside the shop's door.

"Sure" Donna said excitedly as Stacey followed her.

"Viv are you ok?" Amelia asked lowly while walking beside Vivian.

"Kind of" she replied as she continued "By the way how is Tyler?" she asked while remembering what had happened yesterday.

"He has locked himself in his hotel room, even James can't talk to him. He says he won't attend the wedding" Amelia replied while looking down sadly.

"Sounds about right after what happened to him yesterday" Vivian said sadly while taking a seat inside the cozy cafe.

"Why are there only sandwiches here" Donna asked, scrunching her nose while reading the menu.

"And I guess we have to go and place an order there" Stacey said while pointing towards the counter.

"I'll go and place the orders, just tell me what you all want" Stacey said while slowly getting up.

"I want a cheese sandwich" Vivian said while setting down the menu.

"Guess I'll have the same" Amelia said. "I'll have a ham sandwich" Donna said excitedly.

Stacey nodded as she went towards the counter that was located a little too far for her liking. Donna got up suddenly "I need to use the washroom" she said while smiling as Amelia stood up beside her "Me too" she said as they made their way towards the washroom.

Vivian sighed a little as she scrolled down her phone, she felt a light tap on her shoulder as she snapped her head to the side. A tall man with black hair and stunning dark grey eyes stood there with a soft smile on his chiselled face.

"Can I help you?" Vivian asked, confused as to why this person was approaching her.

"You are Vivian right? Wow I've heard so much about you! It is true, you are so beautiful" he said with a little accent while smiling brightly.

Vivian blushed a little at the complement but looked up at him with confusion laced face "Umm excuse me, do I know you?" Vivian asked him while racking her brain trying to remember his face.

"I don't think so" he said as he brought his hand forward "I am Seth Wilson, Dominic's friend" he said as Vivian hesitantly brought her hand for a handshake. His friend? I don't remember seeing him in the engagement ceremony. she thought as she stared at him.

"If you are thinking why I wasn't at the ceremony, it's because I had some urgent work. Please accept my earnest apology" he said while his features softened.

But something about him didn't feel right as Vivian quickly withdrew her hand and gave him a fake smile "It's ok Mr Wilson" Vivian said while praying that he would leave soon, not enjoying his company at all as something about him kept ringing a bell in her mind.

"Well I saw that you were with your friends earlier, I won't bother you anymore. Please excuse me " he said as he bowed a little and left the small cafe and Vivian sighed in relief. After a few moments her friends returned and her day went without a hitch.


"Yes I saw her today" Seth said on his phone while sitting in his black Mercedes as he continued "She was beautiful, I almost felt pity for her" he said as he left out a humourless laugh.

"Seth" a deep voice replied warningly.

"Don't worry, I won't get attached. I will destroy them" Seth said as he hung up the phone, his eyes shining with a malicious glint.


Stay Blessed!❤

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