Chapter 63

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Vivian vomited in the toilet while clutching her stomach in pain. She felt a presence behind her as big hands grabbed her hair and softly fisted it while running his hands up and down her back. Vivian huffed, out of breath as she looked up at Dominic to see his concerned face.

"You ok my love?" he questioned as he helped her to stand up. Vivian nodded slowly but didn't miss the slight look of hope in his eyes. Helena came running towards the washroom and stood beside the door frame, gesturing her with her eyes. Vivian looked at her before looking back at Dominic.

"Dominic would you mind giving me a second?" she asked as Dominic gave her an unsure look "Please?" she insisted with puppy dog eyes. Dominic stared at her for a few seconds before sighing out loudly "Fine" he said before kissing her forehead and walking out before nodding at Helena.

"Here Vivian" Helena said as she handed her a paper bag "Good luck. I'll be waiting outside" she said before shutting the door. Vivian sighed before brushing her teeth again and washing her face with a soap. She stated at her reflection with determination, her heart was at war. She didn't know if wanted kids yet.

She took 3 different sticks and followed all the instructions as her heart continuously kept beating at an animalistic speed. She washed her hands and waited a few minutes. She could feel a presence outside the door and somehow she knew it was Dominic.

"It's time" she thought as she bit her lips in nervousness, she took a deep breath while closing her eyes and then looking down. Her breath hitched when she saw the same two lines on all 3 of the tests. "I am pregnant" she thought as a few tear drops escaped her eyes. It wasn't of sadness, it was tears of joy. She was happy.

She quickly opened the door and bumped into a hard chest but before she could fall back, a strong arm wrap around her waist and pulled her body closer. Vivian knew who it was as she shyly looked up and blushed when she saw him staring at her with concern.

"How are you feeling love?" he asked as he hugged her and then kissed her head. "Um Dominic I.." she hesitated as her blush intensified.

"Tell me" Dominic asked with a wide grin, getting a vague idea as to what she wanted to tell him. His hands crept up to her chin as he craned her head to make her look up at him.

"I am pregnant!" she blurted out as she hid her face on his chest as he hugged her tightly "I am going to be a father" he said in disbelief as he peppered her face with kisses in happiness while Vivian giggled.

"I am going to be a mother!" she giggled back as Dominic suddenly stopped and looked back at her seriously. "Are you- Are you ok with this?" he asked hesitantly with a little sadness as Vivian's grin widened.

She wrapped her hands around his torso and looked up from his chest "Of course I am! I love you and this baby" she said as she put her hand on her stomach while smiling at him. Dominic's face broke into a warm smile "Oh darling I love you too!" he said before crashing his lips on her in a warm kiss that conveyed all his emotions that he failed to say through words.

"Oh-Oh god" they heard Murter say as they broke the kiss and looked towards the side to see Murter looking here and there while putting his hands in front of Amelia's eyes. "Hey get it off! I am not a kid" she whined as Vivian chuckled.

"We didn't see anything." Murter said as he removed his hands. Vivian ran towards Amelia as she hugged the life out of her "Hey hey what happened?" Amelia asked in shock as she hugged her back, not knowing the reason. "I am going to be a mother" Vivian repeated the same words she had said a few minutes ago as she heard Amelia gasp in shock and Murter looking at Dominic with wide eyes.

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