Chapter 31

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"D-Dominic I-I can explain" Vivian stuttered as her hand landed on the closed door's knob, Dominic gritted his teeth when he saw Vivian trying to open the door completely forgetting that she was the one who closed it.

And in seconds Dominic slammed his hands on both sides of Vivian's face as she squirmed in fear "This is the fucking reason why you weren't getting pregnant?!" he shouted on top of his lungs and Vivian was sure the whole house heard.

"Dominic let's not do it now, everyone is downstairs" Vivian said calmly as she tried to reason out.

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" Dominic shouted as he gripped her chin painfully "P-Please" Vivian cried as she tried to free herself.

Dominic pushed her on the floor "Stay here and if you move, your punishment is going to get worse" he said before going out and slamming the door behind him.

Vivian cried on the floor as she heard some voices, she could hear Dominic shouting at them and then finally everything went quiet "T-T-They left? Please don't leave me" Vivian thought in horror as she clutched the shirt.

The door opened revealing a very furious Dominic, his anger didn't even calm down a little "D-Dominic I am sorry please forgive me" Vivian pleaded, tears continuously streaking down her face.

"I-I just don't want kids now, I am only 18!" she said, all the adrenaline suddenly flowing through her veins.

Dominic closed the door roughly as he stalked towards her and gripped her hair pulling it upwards making her stand up as Vivian winced in pain "You think you have a say in this?!"

Dominic growled in anger as he looked at her teary green eyes. "Yes I do! It's my body!" Vivian shouted not being able to contain her anger and pain anymore.

The next thing Vivian knew was that she was laying on the floor with her head turned towards the right with a burning left cheek and blood dripping from her lips.

Dominic came towards her and grabbed her neck and squeezed it painfully "Don-ah-t" Vivian choked out as she scratched Dominic's hand on her neck, but his held hardened as he squeezed it more painfully.

"I fucking own everything! Your body is mine, your soul is mine, your EVERYTHING IS MINE!" he shouted in her face as she cried in pain due to the increasing pressure on her neck.

Dominic released her neck as he stared at her "I told you again and again not to do anything STUPID! I want kids and I will have them!" he said as he picked her up in bridal style and threw her on the bed.

"No please Dominic you don't have to do this!" Vivian cried as she backed away on the bed but Dominic held her shirt and ripped it apart while pinning her painfully down in the bed.

His eyes slightly red with fury as he roughly pressed his lips against her, his right hand travelled north and squeezed her plump breasts roughly as she moaned in pain.

He broke the kiss and looked down at her lustfully until his eyes stopped at her bare neck "WHERE IS YOUR PENDANT?!" Dominic growled as his hold on her breast tightened and Vivian winced in pain.

"I-I took it off so it wouldn't g-get lost" she stuttered while clearly struggling to form words in the painful state. Dominic's rough hand landed on her cheeks again as Vivian screamed in pain and tried to hold her cheek which just received an unbearable blow but Dominic pinned it down.

"You were trying to leave me?!" Dominic asked as he gripped her cheeks painfully while squeezing them.

"N-no I-" she said as multiple tears escaped her eyes as she tried to push him away. Dominic grabbed her legs and pushed them apart as settled between them and ripped her panty apart.

"Stop it!" Vivian shouted as she struggled and tried to free herself from him.

Dominic growled as he sharply slapped her pussy earning a painful yelp from "Stay still" he said through gritted teeth as his head dipped and slowly licked her clit.

Vivian gasped as her back arched up she grabbed Dominic's coal black hair and tugged on it. Dominic groaned as he started licking and sucking on clit and inserted two of his fingers inside her, an involuntary moan escaped her mouth at the immense pleasure but Vivian bit the inside of her mouth to suppress it.

Dominic kept on licking and sucking as his fingers thrusted her "n-no" Vivian said in a hoarse voice, Dominic hold on her thighs tightened as he started sucking savagely.

Vivian shuddered as she felt something hot building up inside her as she tightened her hold on his hair, "Cum for me" Dominic commanded, his voice sending vibrations throughout her body.

Vivian eyes closed shut as her body stiffened and she let go and Dominic sucked everything off.

Vivian huffed heavily but her brows scrunched together when she saw Dominic was still sucking and licking. "P-Please get o-off" she muttered as she tried to move but failed  because her legs were pinned by his body weight.

Vivian winced in pain when she felt a sharp bite on her inner thigh "stay the fuck still!" Dominic growled as he glared at Vivian before he started sucking again, before long Vivian found herself shuddering again as she came again because Dominic wasn't stopping. 

"Please e-enough" Vivian mumbled as she came for the 5th time, the pleasure long gone now there was an ache between her legs.

Dominic gave her clit one last long lick before he came up while removing her bra. Vivian's eyes became heavy as her head hurt due to constant screaming with a sore throat.

Dominic slapped Vivian again making her eyes snap open as she looked at his electric blue eyes dark with anger and lust looking back at her "It's not over" he grumbled as the tip of his dick touched her entrance.

"I can't take it anymore" Vivian muttered as a few tears escaped her eyes and she looked into his cold eyes.

Vivian groaned in pain as Dominic entered her roughly "Tell me will you ever pull a stunt like that again?" he said while thrusting deep inside her roughly.

"N-no" Vivian muttered as she clutched the sheets knowing full well that Dominic wasn't going to stop anytime soon.


This chapter was really hard to write, I despise Dominic's character for now because of his violent nature but don't worry he is going to have a character development (I don't want my babies to be hated lol).

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