Chapter 48

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Some scenes may be triggering. Reader's discretion is needed.


Vivian's eyes fluttered open due to her aching head as she took in her surroundings. Her eyes fixed on Alexander who was sitting in front of her, playing with a blade. She looked around and noticed that this time she was tied to a chair by her waist, her hands were free.

As she was about to untie her herself, the dreadful voice stopped her. "Don't even think about it" he said as Vivian's movements halted.

"You have been a bad girl" he said as he looked up at her. She noticed Seth sitting beside him, still unconscious.

"You gave out our location, I am sure Dominic is on his way. I wouldn't have even messed with him, I would have just disappeared with you.-" he said as he looked towards Seth "-after killing him ofcourse" he said as he started laughing maniacally.

Vivian shivered in fear as his deep laughter kept echoing the darkened room, surely a little light bulb wasn't enough to light up the whole basement.

Suddenly his laughter stopped as he looked dead at Vivian's eyes "But you messed it up! There is no point in running away from Dominic now, he would find us! I was fooling him just fine!-" he said as held the unconscious Seth by his collar.

"-I was pretending that I was seeking revenge for our dead parents" he did a gagging act as he continued "I would have waited 2 weeks and then he would have died accidentally. Atleast he would have the satisfaction that I was taking revenge in his place!" he grumbled.

"Peace is important, Peace is important" he kept mumbling again and again until he stopped. He stood up and held Vivian's sweater and pulled her shivering form closer.

"YOU RUINED IT!" he shouted at her face, the nerves on his forehead popping out in anger as he pushed her back on the chair as he settled back on his too.

"How many times did Dominic fuck you?" he questioned out of the blue as Vivian's eyes widened and she looked at him with horror and confusion.

"Answer me!" he yelled again as Vivian quivered on the chair as she slowly tried to bring her hand back to untie herself, she stopped as his eyes flickered towards her hands and blazed with fury.

"You don't know how many times he fucked you? Ok" he said as he looked away while tapping the blade on the wooden armrest of the chair.

"How old is he?" he questioned as he looked back at Vivian with a curious face, as if he wasn't saying crazy stuff just seconds ago.

Why does he want to know anyway, Vivian thought as she bit her inner lips in fear.

"31" she replied fearing what he wanted, but his next actions surprised her. He smiled. He smiled happily as he stood up again and walked towards her.

He handed her the blade as he backed away and sat back down on the chair as he took out his gun and pointed it towards her.

"I want 31 cuts from that blade on both of your arms" he said as he stared at her face seriously.

Vivian gasped as she looked at him in disbelief "N-no please" she stuttered out as tears started flowing down her eyes.

"Come on sunshine, don't waste my time" he said while removing the security of the gun as Vivian gulped.

She stared at the blade for a few minutes before looking up at him. Alexander raised his eyebrows as he moved his chair back "Don't want any funny tricks" he said as he laughed like it was the funniest joke.

"Come on sunshine don't make me wait" he said in a sing song manner as Vivian stared at the gun and rolled up the sleeves of the oversized pink sweater.

She swiped the sharp blade through the skin of her upper arms while wincing in pain, she looked straight at his eyes to see him grinning at her.

"That one doesn't count, I want a deeper cut" he said while grinning at her. More tears escaped her eyes making her vision blurry.

As she was about to dig the blade on her skin he interrupted her while clicking his tongue continuously.

"Not anywhere else make the first wound deep enough then move on to the next" he said while twirling the gun around his hands.

Vivian glared at him as her shaky hands reached the spot and she dug the blade crying out loudly in the process. "Aah that's what I like sunshine" he said in a relieved tone as he gestured Vivian to continue with his gun. Vivian cried out again as she dug the blade across her hands and he watched in content.

"I was really hurt when you didn't recognize me in Paris and you cheated on me you know-" he said trying to initiate a conversation, Vivian didn't reply as she was busy digging the now bloody blade and crying. "-you said you would marry me when you get older but you married him!" he shouted,  suddenly angry as Vivian finally lost it and glared up at him.

"I didn't cheat on you! I don't even remember you properly!" she retorted back as he fell silent.

"You can't forget me" he repeated again and again while pulling on his dark hair.

"Not this again" Vivian thought tiredly as her head throbbed in pain.

"YOU CAN'T FORGET ME!" he shouted  as she could hear gunshots at a distance but maybe Alexander was way too busy fuming at her to notice.

"You speak too much! If you just didn't speak we could agree on everything and would always be together" he whispered as he put the gun back on his waistband and snatched the blade from her hands.

"N-no don't do it please" she muttered as she tried to back away on the chair. He grabbed her chin as he squeezed them, resulting her lips to open.

Vivian closed her eyes as she tried to move her face away but he held it tightly. She felt a drop of water on her cheek as she flinched and looked up to see him crying.

His hands were shaking as he looked at her tongue with tears in his eyes "I love you so much but..but" he hesitated but he continued "I have to be strong for us, I am doing this for both of us sunshine" he said with determination as he grabbed her tongue.

Vivian cried and held his hand as she struggled and just when he was about to swipe the blade across her tongue, they heard the door burst open as the door fell on the ground.

Alexander moved away as her line of vision was clear again, there was the person she longed to meet the most.

"Dominic!" she cried out.


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