Chapter 53

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1 month later

"Vivian wake up" she heard a husky voice beside her ear as she hummed and kept sleeping. She felt strong arms wrap around her body as his neck dipped on her neck, his stubble tickling and sending sparks down her spine.

Vivian groaned as she tried to get away from Dominic's grip but it only tightened and pulled her impossibly closer "If you don't wake up I will keep going" he mumbled beside her ear as Vivian visibly shivered but still refused to give up her sleep. She knew it way too early in the morning because it was still dark out.

Dominic hands roamed on her curves as he started giving feather kisses on her neck. "Dominic get off" she muttered slightly annoyed as she heard a deep chuckle. "If you wake up, I will." he said as his hands slowly crept inside her top and started making his way up.

His movement halted as his hands made contact with her breasts, he sucked in a breath as he spoke "You are not wearing a bra". Vivian's eyes finally snapped open as she turned around to face him. His jaw clenched, his blue eyes a little darker than usual and his hand still on her chest. 

"Who wears a bra while sleeping" she said while yawning and trying to pry his hands off her. Dominic groaned as he squeezed her breast while his rough thumb caressed her slightly hardened nipple. Vivian's breath hitched as her breathing became heavy and laboured, his touch making it hard for her to move.

Dominic's head dipped on her neck as his slight stubble sent shivers down her spine. "You don't let me taste you for 1 whole month and now you are sleeping without bra. Are trying to tempt me gattina?" his voice low and husky as he planted open mouthed kisses on her neck while squeezing her breasts roughly. 

"D-Dominic stop" Vivian stuttered as she tried to push him away, of course he didn't budge and just looked up at her. "Let's do it, just once" he whined as his hands finally left her breast and travelled to her waist, pulling her closer to his body. "Dominic you said you'd give me time" she said as she pulled away from his tight grip.

"Fine" he said sullenly while sitting up on the bed and running his hand through his hair.

"Go get ready, we are leaving in a few" he said before leaning down and kissing her softly and leaving the room. Vivian sighed after he left the room, a small smile evident on her face as she got up and made her way towards the bathroom.

It has been 1 month since all the happenings in her life. Dominic and Vivian had almost healed physically, Vivian still had nightmares at night but when Dominic would console her while softly caressing her hair she would somehow calm down and sleep while clinging onto Dominic for life.

She somehow felt safe with him now because Dominic has been nothing but sweet to her lately. He had been trying his best at everything so that she would forgive him but Vivian had still not forgiven him. Maybe the hate for him has dramatically lessened but she still couldn't bring herself to forgive him.

Dominic had even started taking anger management therapy and she could really see changes in him. Sure he would snap sometimes but wasn't as deadly as before. She didn't even let him touch her for the past month, Dominic would try to seduce her in bed but he would always fail. He stopped whenever Vivian told him to stop and would just settle with a kiss and a sullen face for the rest of the day.

Vivian giggled at the memories and walked inside the walk in closet. She wore a light green full sleeve shirt with dark blue jean and white platform heels.

She walked out and brushed her red hair which was now just below her , everytime she saw her hair she was reminded of the madness that filled Alexander's eyes and how she pulled the trigger and killed him mercilessly. 

She didn't realize when a drop of tear escaped her eyes and when Dominic wrapped his arms around her. "It's not your fault, they deserved it. Actually they deserved worst, you made it easy for them" he said the same thing he had said the first time she cried her eyes out to him for killing a person. 

"But it doesn't give me a reason to kill Dominic" she said softly as she turned around in his arms to look at those stunning blue eyes of his which were softened with concern. "If you didn't kill him, he would have killed you and me. You saved 2 lives Vivian,  me and yours by killing a tainted and evil person. You did NOTHING wrong." he said while cupping her face and looking straight at her regretful green eyes.

She nodded as she gave him a soft smile "Go get ready" she said as she pushed him inside the closet. Dominic nodded and kissed her on the cheek before disappearing into the closet. Vivian turned around again with a hopeful glint to her eyes "Maybe today I will get peace".


Vivian and Dominic ascended down the stairs carefully, Dominic continuously supporting her because her leg wasn't fully healed and it still hurt her. Vivian hissed as her leg felt heavy and pain shot up. Dominic's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at her condition, "Fuck it" he grumbled as he bent down one hand under her knees and other on her back as he slowly picked her up.

"W-What? Dominic put me down! You haven't healed fully too" she said with concern as she wiggled on his hold. "You are making it harder for me" he groaned out while walking down as Vivian quickly quieted down. 

Dominic internally smirked ,sure his wounds hasn't healed yet and it still hurt sometimes. But he was used to the pain because he was shot a few times before. But he enjoyed Vivian's concern for him, the way her bright green eyes flickered with sadness and beautiful pink lips pouted with concern whenever he fake groaned in pain.

"Where are you two going?" Linda asked as she stood up from the living room couch and walked towards them when Dominic carefully put Vivian back on the floor. "Somewhere" Dominic said curtly, suddenly his mood taking way to the worse as he remembered their destination. 

"We are going t-" Vivian started but stopped when Dominic lightly squeezed her hand warningly, "We will tell you when we are back" he replied. Vivian nodded in agreement as she looked around. Her gaze fell on the 2 elderly women, maybe in their 50s cleaning the house. Dominic had finally agreed on keeping maids, though they were very limited in number after constant pestering of Bradley and Murter.

She smiled softly at them as they returned it and went inside the kitchen to prepare lunch. "Let's go" Dominic said as he tugged on Vivian's hand, Vivian gave him a small smile before turning to Linda "See you in a bit mother" she said as Linda gave her a small smile and a concerned look before they walked out of the mansion. 


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