Chapter 62

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1 month later

Vivian frowned as she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked so.....ugly, yeah that's what she thought, her eyes watered as she looked around the room to see a pile of dresses on the walk in closet couch. She has been looking for a dress to wear for hours but still no good.

And for some reason she was annoyed from the morning.

She sighed as she plopped on the couch in her underwears. Apparently Murter and Donna were coming over for dinner, they mostly invited themselves over saying that Murter had something important to discuss.

Vivian's eyes roamed around the closet as it finally settled on a simple yellow colored gown. Nothing too fancy and Vivian liked it because she didn't wanted to wear something heavy.

She quickly changed to her black lace underwear and matching bra, wincing in the process because they had become a little tight annoying her even further. "Am I gaining weight?" she dreaded as her stomach twisted and a bile rose up to her throat.

She ran towards the bathroom as she emptied the contents while cringing at the disgusting taste, it had been going on for the last few days and she was tired of it. Her head spin as she felt weak, she rinsed her mouth and brushed her teeth but she threw up again.

She broke into cold sweat as she bit her lips nervously, realization hit her hard "A-Am I..?" she asked herself as she quickly put on her robe and descended down the stairs. "H-Helena" she called out nervously to the woman in her late 40s who was recently hired by them.

She came running while tying black hair with a few silver strands up in a tight bun "Yes Vivian?" she asked urgently as she saw the young miss panicking. "Helena can you please get me a few.." she hesitated as she spoke up in a low voice.

"What was that miss?" she bobbed her head forward while straining her ears to listen to her whisper. Vivian beckoned her as she looked around shyly, Helena gave her a confused look as she extended her face towards her.

Vivian cupped her ear as she whispered "Can you umm .... get me a few pregnancy t-" before she could finish she heard the front door open followed by loud footsteps. She quickly separated from Helena as she saw Dominic coming towards her with a small smile.

"Sweetheart why aren't you ready yet? They are on their way" he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her softly. Vivian blushed as she nodded shyly. Dominic chuckled as he led her upstairs towards their room.

Vivian slowly turned her head to look at Helena, who just nodded understandingly and put her thumbs up while walking towards the front door. Vivian lowly sighed in relief as they entered their room. "Go love, get ready" Dominic said as he pecked her on the cheeks.

Vivian went inside the wardrobe to change in the yellow dress as her mind wandered off to Dominic. He was so angry at Tyler on her birthday, he wanted to kill him for disrespecting her but she somehow managed to calm him down and let them go. She has not spoken to either James or Tyler since.

She closed her eyes in tiredness as she slipped into her yellow pumps and wore her yellow earrings. She applied her pink lipstick and smiled in content,  she couldn't believe that she was cursing herself just a few minutes ago.

 She applied her pink lipstick and smiled in content,  she couldn't believe that she was cursing herself just a few minutes ago

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Dominic came inside with a dark blue shirt making his eyes stand out and his hair neatly gelled and combed back. His stubble was lightly shaved, his sharp jawline prominent. He looked so handsome.

Vivian sighed dreamily when Dominic came in behind her and wrapped his hands around her and kissed her neck making her shiver. "I want to show you something gattina" he whispered huskily in her ear.

"What?" Vivian questioned with genuine interest as she looked at him through the mirror. Dominic smiled before rolling his sleeves up. Vivian's eyes bulged out as a low gasp escaped her mouth. "Is-Is that-?" she asked while turning around and taking his right hand on her own and looking at it intently.

"Yes love" he said with a smile as he kissed her forehead. His hands was tattooed with her name written in beautiful calligraphy as he showed it to her proudly. Among his other tattoos this one stood out the most. "W-Why?" she asked confused and touched by his actions all at the same time as she stared at his mesmerizing blue eyes.

He smiled as he pulled her closer "So that people know that I only belong to you and you only belong to me" he whispered with love dripping out from his voice as he took her lips in a long slow kiss. Vivian's heart swelled in love as her hands reached up to his hair and threaded her fingers, something which she loved to do with his soft hair.

They broke the kiss when they both were out of breath while grinning at each other "Guess that ruined your hair" she said looking at his now messy hair which was gelled perfectly just minutes ago.

"I don't care" he said as he kissed her again. They parted again when they heard the doorbell ring as Dominic grunted in frustration "Guess they are here" he said , completely annoyed as Vivian giggled and pecked his cheeks.


"You know what? Donna and Bradley went out on a date!" Amelia whispered in Vivian's ears as Vivian's eyes widened in shock.

Her head snapped at her direction as she gasped in shock "What really? Those two?!" she whispered back as Amelia nodded back frantically with a wide grin. Vivian still couldn't believe it, she looked in front of her to see Murter and Dominic talking to each other seriously as she again looked back at Amelia.

"That's amazing" Vivian said with genuine happiness as she ate the steak which she usually loved, but today it just made her want to throw up. "Could you pass me the pepper" Amelia said while pointing towards the small container with her left hand.

Vivian nodded as she pulled it and gave it to her. Amelia took it while clicking her tongue a little "Everything all right?" Vivian asked as Amelia simply nodded while chewing slowly on the food. After a few more minutes of chatter, Amelia put her hand on Vivian's shoulder "Can you pass me the orange juice?" she asked again.

Vivian frowned again but quietly passed it to her as Amelia clicked her tongue in annoyance again. "What's wrong?" Vivian asked a little annoyed. "Nothing" she quietly replied.

Vivian's gaze fell on Murter to see him looking at Amelia with a small smile evident on his face. She knew something was up. "Viv can y-" this time Vivian cut her off. "What wrong Amelia!" she knew Amelia wanted to tell her something.

Dominic's and Murter's gaze fell on both of them as Dominic frowned in confusion. Amelia extended her hand as she held Vivian's hands and stared right at her with a serious expression.

That's when Vivian felt it, a cold metal against her hands as she looked down at the gold band with a huge diamond in the middle and shrieked in joy. "OH MY GOD!" she shouted in disbelief as she looked at Amelia to see her nodding and smiling in joy. Vivian hugged her tightly as Amelia cried out in joy.

"Wait what?" Dominic asked still oblivious of the situation as he looked between them and Murter. "Murter proposed to Amelia!" Vivian said in ecstasy as Murter looked away with a small blush and nodded slowly.

Dominic confusion turned in happiness as he pulled Murter in a man hug while patting his back "Good job you finally did it" he complimented as Amelia giggled.

Before they could celebrate it any further Vivian felt it again, the bile formed deep inside her stomach as it rose up to her throat. She slammed her hands on the table as she stood up and ran towards the washroom and as if on cue she saw Helena entering from the front door as they quickly exchanged a look.

Oh no.


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