Chapter 41

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Murter roamed outside the venue while looking around for any suspicious happenings, he looked around and saw that all of their guards were lying on the floor unconscious.

" Murter is everything alright out there? The power is still not back" he heard Dominic say through the earpiece while he just stared at the men with a dazed expression.

"Murter! Murter! Do you hear me?!" Dominic's voice boomed from the other side as he came back to his senses and ran towards a man who was slightly moving.

"Yes I hear you! Someone drugged our men" he replied.

"WHAT?" he heard his loud voice as he cursed under his breath.

"Don't let anyone get out! Do you hear me?" Dominic ordered.

"Yes boss" he replied as he slowly patted the moving man's cheek "Listen. Who did this to you?" he asked the man.

The man slowly opened his eyes as he groaned out "Sir, t-hey injected us with somet-" before he could finish the man fell unconscious.

Murter kept looking here and there but he wasn't able to see the back of the building from where the man carried Vivian and settled her in his car and easily escaped.

Murter noticed the light went back on inside the building as he heard Dominic  sigh in relief "Don't worry everything is alright, everyone is here" Dominic said as Murter's eyebrows creased in confusion, Then what was the point in drugging our men?, he thought as he went inside the building after calling for backups which arrived in less than 10 minutes.

Dominic's heart relaxed when the light went back on and he saw the love of his life standing there, for the first time after so many years he had experienced "fear" again and it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience.

He had gone berserk when the lights went of, imagining the worst situations that could happen to Vivian and his family. But a small smile made it's way on his face when he saw everyone safe.

He walked near Vivian as she shifted uncomfortably and slightly started backing away from him while wringing her hands , his eyebrows furrowed when he saw her unusual behavior. 

Usually when she is nervous she would bite her inner lips or cheeks but she would never wring her hands, Dominic noticed that she was in an unusually hunched position.

He had never seen her standing that way, he went towards her and wrapped his arms around her as she stiffened.

His nose flared in disgust as he didn't get the intoxicating smell of strawberries that instantly calmed him and which he was used to.

Dominic pushed the imposter as she fell on the floor while whimpering a little, Donna and Linda gasped and Daniel's face surfaced with confusion.

"Big brother!"

Donna and Linda shouted simultaneously as Donna tried to run towards the girl but stopped when Dominic yelled "Stop!".

Dominic's eyes full of fury as he glared at the young girl "Who are you!" he shouted as the whole room went silent, no one dared utter a word as the young girl shivered in fear.

Murter came running inside as he stood beside Dominic and looked at him with confusion and then at the young girl on the floor.

"TELL ME WHO YOU ARE AND WHERE IS MY VIVIAN!" he shouted on top of his lungs as he started towards the girl and took out his gun while removing it's security and pointed it on her head.

The girl screamed in terror as he dug the gun on her forehead, Murter quickly charged towards him as he held Dominic's hand in an attempt to stop him.

"Boss if she is not Vivian,  we need to interrogate her" he murmured calmly as Dominic hesitated for a second but took away his gun and hit the young girl with the butt of the gun, knocking  her unconscious.

"What the fuck! Why did you do that boss, maybe she knew where Vivian was!" Murter mumbled as he walked forward and took the young girl's mask away, only to find a girl with sharp features , red hair color and pale skin color matching that of Vivian's.

"I have this" Dominic said as he took out his phone and opened the tracking app connected to Vivian's pendant.

He gritted his teeth when he found out it was right here and finally lost his calm when he looked at the shiny red ruby on the unconscious girl's neck.

"I will kill her after all" he roared in anger and pointed his gun back at her.

"Calm down! We will investigate her later, You take her away and lock her in the basement and rest of you all search each and every room of this mansion for Vivian" Murter ordered to their men as they nodded and went on with their assigned work.

"Where is that brat Ezra Bianchi! How can he let someone get kidnapped in his own fucking mansion!" Dominic shouted as he struggled against Murter hold and when it irritated him too much he punched Murter on the face who backed away while holding his cheek as he licked away the blood from his lips.

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Bradley roared in front of Dominic as he pushed him on the couch to make him sit down.

Dominic gritted his teeth as anger came flooding in, if they were someone else they would have been 6 feet underground by now but he cannot shoot his most trusted men, his friends.

"BOSS!" They heard a loud voice from one of their men from upstairs as they all snapped their towards its direction.

"BOSS!" the voice repeated but this time with more urgency as Dominic stood up in a start.

"Anyone who leaves this room is dead. Am I clear?" Dominic announced as he ran towards the staircase with Murter and Bradley behind him.

He heard an unanimous "yes", "Keep an eye on them" Bradley ordered their bodyguards as they made their way upstairs.

Dominic's shoe tapped against the marble floor as he walked urgently towards the source of the voice, his hands sweating, his heart hammering against his chest.

He noticed a broken vase infront of the room where his men were standing and looking inside the room with frightened expressions and their eyes widened.

"Why are they scared? Whatever is in there, I am sure they have seen worse" Dominic thought as his nervousness intensified seeing their expression. All of them noticed them as they bowed and made space for them to enter.

A small gasp escaped Dominic's mouth as he gaped at the scene in front of him.

All negative thoughts crossed his mind as his hands fisted and he stepped backwards. He saw a line of bloodied corpses with blood all over the huge room. But that wasn't surprising,  the thing that surprised him the most was the dead body of one person in particular,

The Bianchis,

Ezra Bianchi.


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