Chapter 61

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"WHAT!" Dominic yelled out with his eyes burning in rage and his fingers clenching into a tight fist. He was livid. He took long strides towards Vivian and pulled her to his chest while yanking Tyler's grip from her wrist.

"D-Dominic he is drunk" Vivian said softly trying to calm him down as Dominic's rage filled eyes fell on her. All his anger vanished when he looked at the innocent face looking at her as his grip loosened a little.

"I am drunk but I am telling the truth! I love you Vivian. I am not afraid of this bastard anymore, he can kill me for all I care!" Tyler slurped out as James ran towards him and held him by his shoulder "What are you doing!" James gritted out to Tyler who just pushed him away.

Vivian was surprised that Dominic didn't move from beside her punched him straight to the jaw. Instead he was standing there, glaring at him while breathing heavily.

"Vivian let's run away tomorrow. No one will know" he suddenly whispered as he pressed his finger against his mouth in a shushing manner while stuttering a bit, completely forgetting about the audience that was looking at him in disbelief. Vivian cringed, grimacing what was about to come.

"Tyler stop it yo-" Vivian started.

"-No Viv you stop it! I know you love me!" he shouted out frustration as Vivian gritted her teeth in anger. He never once came to visit her when she was in worst and now that she is finally healing he has the audacity to this?

Dominic finally had enough. He left Vivian's left as he started to walk towards Tyler to finally give him what he was asking for, a good beating, but stopped when Vivian clutched her hands and looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Tyler" Vivian called out softly as both the brothers looked up in surprise "I don't love you" she whispered out as Tyler's eyes widened in surprise "You are just drunk. James please take him home" she said dejectedly as she rubbed her forehead.

"Viv you are lying, you k-" Tyler started in disbelief but soon he was cut off.

"I DON'T LOVE YOU! I ONLY LOVE DOMINIC!" she shouted out in frustration as the whole backyard suddenly quieted down and everyone looked at her in surprise.

Vivian's cheeks turned a deep shade of red as she realised what she had just said as she quickly ran off to Donna and Amelia to hide from everyone.

On the other hand Dominic was stunned, he couldn't think, he couldn't talk. All he did was stare at oblivion and contemplate what just happened. His heartbeat increased as he realised that his feelings are reciprocated.

She didn't hate him anymore. She LOVED him!

A huge smile made his way to his face as he turned and looked at the blushing mess hiding behind Donna and Amelia as they giggled while teasing her endlessly. His heart squeezed in love as his grin widened.

He walked up to her and scooped her in his arms as she squealed a little in surprise but started giggling as he planted soft kisses on her cheeks "I love you" he muttered while hugging her tightly.

"I-I love you too" she replied shyly, her heart hammering against her chest as her grip tightened around his shoulder. Dominic pulled back to look at her green eyes full of love as she smiled back at him. "You do?" he asked her as he set her back on her feet.

She nodded happily "I love you Dominic" she whispered out as she grabbed his face while standing up on her toes and pressing her lips against him. Dominic was shocked, this was the first time she voluntarily kissed him and even in front of everyone but that didn't stop him.

His hands snaked around her waist as he kissed her back passionately. Their kiss was broken by a gagging voice as they looked back to see Tyler vomiting on James as he cringed in disgust and kicked him in the groin.

They all broke out in a loud laughter as Dominic looked back at Vivian, still smiling and finding it hard to believe that she love him.


Dominic entered the room with Vivian's legs wrapped around his waist as he kissed her senselessly. His hands squeezed her ass as he shut the door with his leg. Dominic had enough, he wanted to do this since Vivian declared that she love him but their friends and family were just not leaving. It was 11pm now and they had finally left, he was not letting Vivian go easily.

Vivian moaned in his mouth as he softly pushed her on the bed and hovered over her. She gasped as he roughly bit her neck and tore away her dress "Dominic!" she whispered shouted as he attacked her already hardened nubs.

"Sorry gattina" he muttered, completely not sorry as his tongue swirled around her nipples. Vivian shivered underneath him as her hands gripped his neck and pulled him closer. His mouth lowered as he kept kissing and planting hickeys at every single part of her while she gripped the bedsheets tightly.

"Are you wet for me baby?" he asked near her center as she arched her back when she felt his hot breath against her inner thighs. "D-Dominic" she stuttered as he made her legs rest on his shoulders and ripped away her panties, turning them into shreds.

"Answer me" he demanded as he kissed her clit. Vivian jolted as she arched her back "ye-yes yes!" she replied instantly as Dominic gave it a long , slowly agonizing lick. Vivian whimpered as she clutched his hair tightly and groaned in pleasure.

One of his hands reached out to squeeze her breast as he started sucking her with animalistic speed. Vivian released a loud groan as her stomach twisted in ecstasy. Her mind going blank as she squeezed her eyes shut while biting her lips.

"Look at me" Dominic ordered as Vivian instantly opened her eyes and looked down to be met with his blue eyes darkened with desire as he slowly bit on the sensitive skin of her pussy. She yelped in pain but mostly in pleasure "Dominic!" she whined again as Dominic smirked and started fucking her with his tongue.

Vivian didn't break the eye contact but she could feel her mind clouding and a knot forming in her stomach. She came instantly as Dominic inserted two fingers inside her, soaking and clenching around them as he grunted and sucked every single drop that tasted divine.

He took off his shirt and pants as his manhood stood up proudly. Vivian blushed as she looked away, Dominic chuckled as he hovered over her and took her lips into a long kiss "You better get used to it love" he whispered as he thrusted inside of her.

Vivian stifled a moan and hugged him as he thrusted deep and fast inside of her "I love you gattina" he grunted out while kissing and sucking on her neck.

"I love you too"


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