Chapter 28

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m a t u r e c o n t e n t

It has been hours since Vivian and Dominic had been visiting places Vivian had only heard about till now.

She wouldn't lie, it would have been one of the best vacations she had ever gotten, if it wasn't a honeymoon and wasn't with Dominic.

Dominic was still fuming and cursing every now and then but Vivian enjoyed it because then she wouldn't have the obligation to talk to him.

Vivian was looking at the world famous Monalisa painting in awe as she noticed every single detail.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" a deep and soft voice said from beside Vivian as she looked at her side to find a man maybe in his mid 30s with dark brown middle length hair and light grey eyes standing there and smiling at her, something oddly felt familiar about this man but Vivian couldn't pinpoint it.

"I don't know why people make a big deal out of it. It's ordinary I guess" Vivian murmured looking around for Dominic, but he was no where to be found.

A deep laugh escaped from the man beside her as he looked at her while still laughing "I guess you are right" he said as he moved a little closer to Vivian.

She quickly moved away from him not liking the sudden closeness. He noticed and raised his eyebrows "I won't bite" he said as he continued "By the way I am Alexander Wilson and are you here alone beautiful?" he asked while running his tanned fingers around his thick hair.

Before Vivian could reply, a hand snaked around her as a deep rough voice spoke "No this beautiful is with her husband" Dominic spoke intimidatingly as he pulled her closer.

Vivian gasped as she saw her husband stuck to her side while looking disgustingly at the stranger, the stranger's eyes widened as his eyes went to the big diamond ring on Vivian's fingers he had failed to notice earlier.

"Oh ok" he smiled embarrassingly as he rubbed his hand on his hair "Guess I'll see you around" he said to Vivian and gave Dominic one last glance before walking out.

"Who was that guy?" Dominic asked with gritted teeth as he pulled Vivian impossibly close.

"I-I don't know him, he just told me his name was Alexander Wilson" Vivian said while trying to get out of his painfully tight grip.

Alexander Wilson. Wilson.

Where have I heard of it before? Vivian thought but her chain of thoughts were interrupted by a painful pinch on her ass.

"Aah" Vivian whisper-yelled as she hid her face on Dominic's wide muscled chest.

"I go out for 1 minute and you start flirting with a man!" he yelled lowly, his already foul mood kicking in as he applied more pressure on his fingers on her ass.

"I didn't- aahh- flirt with him please" Vivian pleaded, few tear drops leaking from her eyes due to the unbearable pain.

Dominic's hand loosened as he rubbed her now purple skin soothingly.

"You better, if I see you talking to any other man again I swear I will kill him and you will suffer the worst consequences" he muttered as he held her wrist and started dragging her towards his car "Let's go, my mood is completely ruined" he said as he buckled Vivian in the passenger seat and got on the driver's seat, driving away.


It was 11pm and Dominic had locked himself in one of his rooms saying that he suddenly had a lot of work.

Vivian could constantly hear his yellings from the other room as she felt sad for whoever was on the other side of the phone.

She rolled her eyes as she turned off the lights and closed her eyes.

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