Chapter 46

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Dominic groaned in frustration as he plopped on the chaise couch. It had been 1 week. I week since Vivian has been kidnapped, 1 week since he hadn't properly eaten or slept, 1 week since he had been away from his love. The guilt, the anger and the pain eating him alive.

His anger piked up as he remembered the day that fucker Seth had made a mockery out of them. They had went to Seth's house as per that crappy letter and as Dominic suspected they didn't find his Vivian, not a single soul wandered there.  The house was completely deserted as if it was left for ages.

When they searched the whole area they found a bottle of blood along with a bunch of red hair he would recognize anywhere, it was Vivian's. They also found a note which said "A little gift" which boiled Dominic's blood more with rage and concern. They also found the silly diary which he and Seth had as a kid.

What was he trying to prove?

His chest hurt as his head throbbed. Dominic had read the diary again and again, hoping he could find any clue of Vivian's whereabouts.

But to his dismay he didn't. Just a bunch of crap about Seth's life, which he seriously wasn't looking forward to right now.

Dominic suddenly yelled out in frustration while pulling on his messily kept hair as Linda and Donna came running out of their rooms, dark circles below their eyes. It could be seen that they haven't had any sleep too.

"Nic you should eat something" his mother said as she went towards the kitchen while Donna came and sat beside him, running her hand up and down his back trying to calm him down.

"Don't touch me" he hissed at her with gritted teeth as she quickly withdrew her hand.

Apparently that's how he behaved nowadays, snapping at anyone and everyone.

"You really need to sleep" she mumbled with pity.

"Sleep? You think I need sleep?! Can you even imagine what Vivian is going through!-" he shouted as he shot up from his seat but was interrupted when one of his men came running.

"Boss we couldn't track them again" he came while huffing but froze when he took in the tense atmosphere.

"Damn it!" Dominic yelled as he took out his gun and shot the man on the head. Donna gasped as Linda came running out of the kitchen and gasped at the sight too.

"It's all your fault! I told you to keep an eye on her! I can't even imagine what she is going through" Dominic groaned out to Donna as numerous tear drops fell from her eyes, yes, she had blamed herself various times for Vivian's disappearance but she didn't wanted to be reminded about that.

"If you are worried that she will get beaten up don't worry! Because you have given her enough practice to endure pain and even stay in the same house as her rapist!" Donna snapped at him as Dominic growled in anger.

He was more angry because he knew that each and every word of her was correct.

He started towards her as he grabbed the collar of her blouse and lifted her off the ground, glaring menacingly at her.

"Stop it!" Linda shouted as she ran towards Dominic and tried to free her daughter but failed as Dominic slightly pushed her away.

Linda walked towards them again as she finally succeeded in tearing a gasping Donna away from his grip.

She went near Dominic and slapped him as hard as she could. His head whipped sideways as he held his cheek in shock.

His anger-filled eyes turned towards his mother as his lower lip trembled in rage.

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