Chapter 33

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Dominic slammed his fists on the table as Vivian flinched in horror, Dominic pinched his nose bridge trying to calm himself down, knowing that he couldn't let his anger take over him again.

He was trying to change for her, he was trying his best not to hurt her any more but the circumstances just didn't seem to give him a chance to improve.

"And you are telling me this now" he said more to himself than her, his voice wavering in anger.

"I never got the r-right time, he said he was your f-friend" she whispered the last part as she looked at his clenched jaw and his fisted hands, she was surprised that the arm around her waist was still gently grabbing her and not painfully like other times when he was mad.

Dominic visibly exhaled as he closed his eyes for a few seconds while running his hands through his dark hair.

"That fucker has gone way too far" Dominic said through gritted teeth and looked at Vivian to see her looking up at him with a scared but curious expression.

"I-Is he really your friend?" Vivian asked not being able to contain her curiosity anymore as Dominic looked down at her, something flashed in his eyes but he quickly wiped it away.

"His father killed my father" Dominic answered as he crumpled a piece of paper in anger as he continued "He betrayed us".

Vivian gasped as her eyes widened in surprise "I am sorry" she whispered as she reached out for Dominic's hands and slightly squeezed it reassuringly.

Dominic's heart swelled in love as he saw his angel's actions even after what he did to her.

He gave her a small smile "I took my revenge of course" he said as Vivian's smile dropped "I killed him" Dominic said.

Vivian was always disgusted by murders and crimes but this time she wasn't,  she felt like the other person deserved it for committing the crime first and betraying them.

But she was still against Dominic's savage ways and taking justice in his own hands.

Vivian struggled to think what to say next as she didn't want to say anything that angered him especifically when he was in a good mood today and treating her good for the first time.

Dominic ruffled her hair as he smiled a little "It's ok love, you don't have to say anything" he said as he looked at her innocent green eyes which never failed to mesmerize him.

Vivian slightly nodded as she looked down, blushing a little "By the way little one, we have a masquerade ball to attend to" Dominic said as he started signing some paperworks.

"When?" Vivian questioned while twisting a lock of her hair between her fingers.

"This weekend, it's a big event. Elena and Lori will come to help you get ready." he said while typing away in his laptop.

Vivian nodded and blushed furiously when her stomach made a grumbling noise, Dominic raised his eyebrows as he looked at her with an amused expression "Let's go eat something ok?" Dominic said as he pinched her cheeks lightly while standing up as Vivian nodded. 


Vivian was cutting the onions as Dominic was doing most of cooking, he let her cut the onions when she insisted on helping him otherwise he wasn't even allowing her to be even near a knife.

"I am done" she chirped while handing him the onion, Dominic smiled a little at her before adding the onions to mix.

"It's almost done, you go and sit in the dining room" he said as he gave her a glance, Vivian nodded as she went towards the dining room and settled in one of the cushioned seats.

Vivian was waiting for her food to come when her eyes landed on an envelope, she looked in the direction of the kitchen to make sure that Dominic wasn't coming .

She picked up the baby blue colored envelope once she made sure that the field was clear, a golden card.

"Mr & Mrs Bernardi are cordially invited to the Annual Masquerade Party. Please grace us with your presence and..."

Vivian read the entire envelope that mostly contained "how happy" they'd be if she and Dominic attended the biggest gathering of the year.

Vivian wondered if Seth would also be present there, because if he is acquainted with Dominic he must also be a prominent figure in the business or the mafia world.

Oh boy, how she dreaded the conversation between the two men if he decided to show up. 

Vivian's heart thumped when she heard clattering from the kitchen, she quickly put the golden card inside the blue envelope and kept it in it's earlier place.

Dominic came out of the kitchen while holding a tray in his hands and settled it on the table. Dominic raised his eyes at Vivian as he noticed that she looked a little nervous and kept looking here and there.

His eyes roamed around the room and finally settled on the light blue envelope. He smirked internally as he pulled out the head chair and settled in. "Curious little kitten" he thought. 

"Let's eat before it gets cold" he said as he slid Vivian's plate in front of her and took the other one for himself.

Vivian's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the brute man, his face looked paler than usual as sweat covered his forehead.

He was closing and opening his eyes again and again, maybe in an attempt to see clearly or to battle headache. Vivian wanted to ask him if he was doing fine but stopped herself when she remembered all he had done to her.

"But he apologized today" she thought but shook her head, denying herself from forgiving him so quickly and easily. 

Vivian thanked him for the food as she started gulping down the perfectly made lasagna, savoring it's creamy taste.

Dominic huffed a little while eating and drank water again and again.

Vivian's guilt got the best of her as she opened her mouth "Are you ok?" she questioned, Dominic looked at her trying his best to look like his paining head wasn't killing him and his chest pain wasn't excruciating.

"I am fine" he managed to breathe out in his usual formidable tone.

Dominic took her now empty plate and stood up "Can you clean the table while I wash the plates?" he said as Vivian nodded and quickly hopped inside the kitchen.

Vivian rolled her eyes as she thought of the cold way Dominic replied to her but still a little concern for him lingered in her mind.

"Viv stop it!" she reminded herself again of his cruel ways as she picked up the cloth to clean the table as she noticed that Dominic still didn't make it to the kitchen .

"What's taking so long" she thought as she approached the dining room. Vivian gasped as her heart nearly stopped, seeing the scene in front of her.

Dominic had fallen to the ground on his stomach as he kept groaning in pain, his face pale as he continued sweating profusely. What scared Vivian most of all was that he fell unconscious and she didn't know what to do. 


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