Chapter 59

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Dominic groaned out as his eyelids opened due to warm and bright rays of the sunlight. His scowl was immediately replaced with a smile when he recalled yesterday night's events. Vivian was sleeping in his arms, clinging to his shoulder with a soft smile on her beautiful face.

She looked like a porcelain doll, soft and fragile. Dominic softy kissed her on the lips careful not to wake her. He then kissed her upperarm and pulled the duvet over her.

"God I love her so much" he thought as he caressed her face. She must be tired, he thought as he smirked when he remembered he took her 3 more times throughout the night.

He slowly but carefully pulled out from her and took the scotch bottle from beside him.

He was thankful that Donna, his mother and Daniel had gone back to London a month ago, otherwise it would have been embarrassing if they caught them out here.

He poured himself a drink as he pulled on his sweatpants and took out a cigarette, he was trying really hard to cut down on cigarette this past month because Vivian would get scared whenever she saw him smoking. But one cigarette and a drink before her waking up wouldn't hurt right?

He looked at the garden through the tent and noted that it was 7:30 in the morning from his rolex wristwatch while taking a long drag from his cigarette. He ran his hand through his hair as he puffed out the smoke, he was happy. He was happy that Vivian had finally forgiven and accepted him, he swore to never make her cry again. He would give her all the happiness in the world.

Dominic was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something very soft on his back followed by a pair of hands circling around his neck. "You should stop smoking you know" he heard the soft sleepy voice as Vivian nuzzled her face on his neck.

"Darling" Dominic acknowledged as he put his hands on her arms and turned his head to kiss her on the hair. He put his cigarette out and gulped down the rest of the drink while putting it away. He gently tugged on Vivian's arms as he pulled her on his lap.

She giggled as she now straddled his lap while clutching the sheets to her chest. Dominic leaned towards her as he pressed his lips against her in a long passionate kiss which she actively responded to.

"Good morning beautiful" he whispered after breaking the kiss and holding her by the waist. Heat crept up to her face as she turned scarlet "Good morning" she replied shyly, remembering yesterday's events.

Dominic rested his forehead against hers as he stared at her deep bottle green eyes with nothing but love and adoration. "I missed you, you know." she blurted, out of the blue as she looked up at him through her lashes.

Dominic's heart squeezed in his chest as it started beating wildly, "She missed me?!" Dominic thought bewildered by her confession as he lovingly kissed her cheeks. He tried calm his out-of-control heart as he caressed her cheeks.

"I am sorry baby, I just had a lot on my plate lately, you know the merger and all. And I drowned myself in work because.." Dominic trailed of as Vivian furrowed her brows and kissed his nose. "because?" she questioned.

"Because you know.." he hesitated but heaved out a sigh before continuing "I thought you hated me and you needed some time off me to think things through. And it's really hard for me to control myself around you, I was afraid I would hurt you" he whispered looking away as his cheeks turned a light tint of red.

Vivian giggled as she leaned on him more "I don't hate you Dominic. Yes, what you did in the past was wrong but I forgive you now" she said as Dominic's eyes snapped back at her as love started brimming through them. He hugged her tightly as he buried his face on her neck "I love you" he said.

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