Chapter 14

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I was woken up with soft hands brushing against my cheeks, I scrunched my nose in dissatisfaction and heard a deep chuckle.

I opened my eyes with a jolt as I saw the sculpted face with just the right amount of stubble in front of my face, his deep blue eyes looking at me warmly as he had a little smile plastered on his face.

Our noses touching as he continued drawing circles on my cheeks and looked into my bottle-green eyes.

"We are here" he said softly, his warm mint breath fanned against my lips as he looked at my lips and then at me.

"Mhm," I said as I tried to turn my head away but one of his hands reached behind my neck and held me in place.

The next thing I knew was the warm lips against mine, as he softly molded them against mine. But the kiss soon turned rough as he started biting my lips earning a wince from me.

He pushed his tongue inside my mouth and started kissing me like it was his breathing source.

An involuntary moan left my mouth as my eyes widened in surprise, I could feel him smirking against my lips.

I tried to push him but he didn't budge and continued kissing me, sometimes biting me softly. After a few minutes, he finally parted and rested his forehead against mine as I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath.

"Guess that ruined your lipstick" he said huskily and I licked my lips and my eyes widened when I really didn't feel my lipstick.

"Don't do that" Dominic groaned as he looked at my lips, ready to pounce anytime again. I quickly snapped my head to the side and applied a little lipstick again which I was glad I carried with me and looked down.

"L-Lets go?" I muttered and looked out of the window, trying to distract him.

Dominic nodded and opened his door after telling me to keep sitting, he then came to my side and opened the door, straightening his black suit in the process. I wonder why he always wears black? I thought as I looked forward and my eyes widened in shock.

In front of me was a huge mansion with numerous fountains. The smell of freshly cut grass reached my nose as I looked around to see bushes were cut in the design along with the fountain, That would have taken a lot of time, I thought.

 The smell of freshly cut grass reached my nose as I looked around to see bushes were cut in the design along with the fountain, That would have taken a lot of time, I thought

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Various vintage cars were also standing on cream-colored marble floors that resembled the outer walls of the house. I didn't notice when we went up the stairs and were now standing in front of the huge mahogany door with Dominic ringing the doorbell.

"T-This is your house?!" I asked with a visible shock on my face.

Dominic looked at me and smirked "The main house, Yes" he said as put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer "I want you on your best behavior. Am I clear?" he whispered sternly in my ear and I just shivered in fear as I nodded vigorously.

His eyes narrowed at me "Words Love" he whispered and quickly replied with a quick "Yes" trying my best not to anger him.

"Good" he muttered as he stood up straight and immediately the wooden door opened revealing a beautiful lady maybe in her 60s, with brown bob cut hair and a few wrinkles near her brown shining eyes.

"Oh Dominic" she whispered in her mellow voice trying hard to hold back her tears.

"Mother" he replied deeply before removing his hands from around my waist and giving her a quick hug, the lady hugged her son like her life depended on it and kissed him on the cheeks.

"And you must be Vivian," she said while smiling brightly and pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"H-Hello Mrs. Bernardi" I stuttered, completely confused about the hospitality of a cruel man's mother.

"Oh please call me Linda or Mother," she said as she ushered them inside the huge house. It had a huge crystal chandelier in the middle and the house was decorated with royal furniture.

Are they some kind of royalty? I thought as we kept walking and finally sat on the royal blue sofa with a gold finish.

"So where are they?" Dominic suddenly asked while looking around and finally settling his eyes on Linda who was busy pouring tea from the glass container.

She looked up "Oh! Those two were so excited for tomorrow that they didn't like anything we had bought earlier, so they have gone out to buy outfits" Linda said while chuckling and handing us the tea cups which I held carefully because they looked like the type I couldn't afford in a lifetime.

Is something happening tomorrow?

"I had already informed them about tomorrow months ago and still they are preparing till the last moment?" Dominic grumbled in his usual angry tone and I just rolled my eyes, too tired to deal with it, and quietly sipped my tea.

"Oh give them a break Nic, they are just happy that their brother is finally getting married," Linda said while smiling as she looked at me. I choked on the tea and kept it down while coughing up continuously.

I felt a big palm rub up and down my back gently "Drink slowly" Dominic muttered softly as he kept rubbing up and down.

"W-What is happening t-tomorrow?" I asked nervously, dreading the answer as I saw Dominic's eyes harden and his jaw clenched, maybe because he realized my disapproval of the question.

Linda laughed from beside us "Oh dear you humor me!" she said but her smile dropped when she saw my dead serious face.

"Nic? You haven't told her?" Linda now turned to Dominic seriously while Dominic just stared at me.

His hand came and rested on my thigh "Of course I have told her! Right darling?" he said while giving out one of his pseudo smiles.

Linda started laughing again "Well yes of course! You almost had me fooled ! You mischievous girl!" she said as she gave me a light pat on my shoulder while I gave her a confused smile.

"Obviously I mean who could forget their own engagement," Dominic said as he squeezed my thighs painfully, daring me to say a word against his will as I just gasped in surprise and bit my lower lip to suppress the tears that were threatening to escape my eyes.

My engagement?!


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