Chapter 50

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"Seth" Dominic breathed out in disbelief as he stiff body as Vivian shivered beside him in fear.

He slowly sat back up and before he could grab his gun ,Alexander pointed towards them. "Stay still and let me kill you now" he said as his face twisted in rage.

"Stop it please!" Vivian shouted as Dominic's hold on her tightened, Alexander looked at her and for just a second his eyes softened.

"I am doing this for us sunshine. After he dies we can live happily ever after" he said while smiling but his smile faded when he looked back at Dominic.

"Shut up! I don't want to live with you! Why don't you get it!" Vivian screamed with anger as she shook with rage.

Alexander's face hardened as he looked back at her "Are you saying you don't love me?" he said with a serious face.

Vivian gulped and nodded vigorously, "But you said you loved me before and also said that you'd marry me" he said in a confused tone as Dominic's body stiffened beside her as his breathing became heavy.

"I WAS A KID DAMN IT!" she cried out, her fury overpowering her fear as countless tears of frustration fell from her eyes.

Alexander gasped in surprise, as if it was the most shocking thing he heard. His face made a pained expression as he started crying, his hand which was holding the gun shook.

"You don't love me"  he repeating again and again as Vivian's fear increased. She knew what was about to come, he always did this before doing something crazy.

She stretched her hand towards the gun but was stopped again when Alexander pointed the gun at her.

"If you can't be mine, then I'll not let you be anyone else's either" he said with determination as a loud gunshot was heard again.

Vivian shrieked as she closed her eyes, waiting for the impact which she never felt. She opened her eyes and saw Dominic's back, he was kneeling in front of her with his hands spread wide.

She heard a loud gunshot again as Dominic wavered and finally collapsed on Vivian's shoulder.

Vivian cried out as her hands covered her mouth in surprise.

"Why!" Vivian shouted out loud.

Dominic felt like he was sinking in a darkened ocean, his vision becoming distorted by each passing second, the small light was slowly fading, his hands reached towards the light as he stroked Vivian's cheek which was wet due to tears.

"I love you" he said as he coughed up blood as Vivian's cries became louder, his heart hurt hearing her cries "Don't cry please" he said with a pained look as his eyes became heavy.

"No no no don't you dare close your eyes! Wake up !" Vivian said while patting his cheeks as she continued "Why did you do that!" she said while hiccuping as she hugged his almost lifeless body close to her.

"I couldn't just watch s-someone I love get killed" he said, these words were the exact words his father told him before dying as his eyes widened in realization.

"Please no" Vivian cried again.

"I-it's ok baby" he replied.

"I finally understand now father" he thought before closing his eyes and succumbing into dark ocean as his hands fell from Vivian's cheeks onto the ground, breaking her heart into million pieces.

Loud laughters reverberated through the room as Vivian looked up to see Alexander clutching his stomach while laughing insanely, like he just watched the funniest tv show. Vivian sniffled as she glared at him.

"I didn't even expect something so perfect like this to happen" he said ,barely holding his laughter back.

"Now we can be together and we wouldn't have to worry about a pest like him" he faltered as he kept laughing maniacally.

Vivian looked at the gun in front of her as she picked it up successfully this time as she raised it up to him with shaking hands.

Alexander was too busy laughing to notice it as Vivian pulled the trigger but the bullet didn't even touch him because of Vivian's shaking hands.

His laughter subsided as he glared at her "What the fuck!" Alexander roared but before he could raise his hand to shoot her.

Vivian pulled the trigger again while gritting her teeth and this time the bullet pierced straight through his chest.

"YOU BITCH!" he yelled out in anger as his gun pointed at Vivian again and pulled the trigger. But nothing happened, he kept trying to shoot at her but nothing happened.

"He is out of bullets!" Vivian though as she bit her lower lip and shot him again, this time on the stomach as her hands backed away a bit from the intensity and the gun fell on the floor.

Alexander's body made contact with the ground beside his brother as he kept groaning.

Vivian picked up the gun again with shaking hands, her rage increasing with Dominic's body on her hand as she shot him again. This time the bullet landed on his head as his groans finally died down.

Vivian's hands shook uncontrollably as she cried out loud. "I killed a man"
"I killed a man!"

Her heart picked up as her head throbbed painfully, her whole body started trembling as she looked at Dominic. She tried to stand up with him but her chest hammered with a sharp pang of guilt and uneasiness.

She fell back on the ground on her stomach as her vision became blurry. She wanted to walk but her legs betrayed her. She crawled back to Dominic as she snuggled on his neck, she sighed in relief when she found out that his breathing was shallow.

She tried to stand up again but couldn't as she groaned out in frustration. She could hear loud footsteps outside the door along with rushed talking between men, "Please don't be Alexander's men, please don't be Alexander's men" she repeated in her mind as she clutched Dominic's body for life.

A small smile made it's way to her face when she noticed Murter along with Dominic's other men. Once Murter took in the situation his eyes widened as he looked over at Vivian and Dominic. He ran towards them as he ordered his men to take Dominic after inspecting his injuries.

"Vivian! Vivian!" she could hear his voice as he patted her cheeks, she tried to reply but her mouth felt too heavy. She couldn't move her body at all as if someone had chained her, all the fatigue came rushing back as Vivian's head fell back but Murter held it.

Even though all the parts of her body felt heavy, one part of her was the heaviest, her heart. Her heart pained as a few tears escaped her eyes, "Vivian don't lose consciousness" she could hear his voice fading as she didn't feel the pats on her cheeks anymore.

"I killed a man"


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