Chapter 38

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"What!" Dominic yelled as he glared at the tanned man to see that he was frowning while looking down.

"Seth Wilson is back" Murter said as he looked up at him.

"I know" Dominic replied with a sigh as Murter looked at him with shock "Vivian saw him" Dominic said.

"What did he say to her?" Murter growled lowly in anger as his jaw clenched.

"Nothing really but he had the audacity to come near her I will have to talk to the bodyguards" Dominic replied in equal rage.

"By the way how is my family and how the fuck was he able to attack us?!" Dominic said slightly shaking with anger.

Murter sighed " Vivian informed them that you collapsed 2 days ago" he said.

Dominic interjected "Why! She didn-" but Murter interrupted him "You were not waking up! She was scared! Can you really blame her for calling family in times of need!" he almost yelled and Dominic's eyes widened in surprise at his sudden outburst but he realized that he was indeed correct.

Dominic looked at him and nodded as a gesture to continue.

"Mrs. Linda Bernardi, Donna and Daniel became agitated and were preparing to come here until the alarm went off at their mansion, signaling that it was breached" Murter said in disappointment.

Dominic punched the hospital bed in frustration "BREACHED? AGAIN?!" he yelled as Murter nodded.

"But surprisingly no damage was done to them no... hitmen" Murter hesitated for a second before continuing "it's like he was challenging us or just straight up irritating us".

"Find the person responsible for the security, kill them this time" Dominic said.

"But he is one of the best" Murter replied as Dominic threw a glare at him.

"Do I look like I care? I will do it personally" he said as he continued "and call my family here, they will be much safer"

"Already did, Bradley went to get them" Murter said "But our security was high class not everyone could have breached them, same with the company. Do you think someone is backing him up?" he said while picking up a bright red apple and munching on it.

"I don't know, were you able to track that motherfucker?" Dominic asked while slowly taking needles from his hands.

"No as you know, he suddenly disappeared 2 years ago and our men haven't been able to spot him since, something is definitely up" Murter said as he looked at his boss's stressed face.

"Hmm.." Dominic hummed in response as his eyes suddenly snapped towards him "Do you think he would come to the masquerade?" Dominic asked.

Murter's eyebrows creased "beats me, but it's really important we have to attend it" he replied.

Dominic clicked his tongue in annoyance "I know that!" as he continued "Guess we would have to go with full security" to which Murter nodded .

"And I heard that you fainted after making lunch?" Murter said to which Dominic just nodded curtly.

"Man you should really get some maids and servants! Housekeepers only twice a week doesn't help." he said.

"I don't trust them and never will" and before Murter could say anything else the door burst open revealing Donna, Linda, Daniel, Bradley,Vivian and Amelia standing there.

Linda rushed towards Dominic while knocking on small wooden stool in the process and slightly hissed in pain but went towards him and hugged him tightly as low whimpers echoed in the quiet room.

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