Chapter 55

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Dominic's car stopped in front of the park which Vivian remembered vaguely, she remembered that she used to come here often as a kid but she couldn't remember the reason why she stopped coming.

Probably because Alexander left...

Her head whipped towards Dominic when she felt his hand on her thigh, only then she realized that she had been staring out of the window for way too long. "Are you alright?" He asked with a concern laced face as gaze locked with her.

"Y-Yes, I am fine" she tried to say confidently but stuttered, Dominic's face hardened as he took in her situation.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to" he said as one of his hand went up to cup her cheeks as he drew circles with his thumb.

Vivian's cheeks heated up at his concern as her heartbeat picked up, she shook her head sideways "I want to go" she said as she grabbed the car handle and got out.

She looked around the park which was filled with the laughters of kids and the chattering of people.

Her eyes darted at the side of the park which was unusually empty unlike the rest of the area, something about it pulled her towards it. She looked back as she felt a warm hand on her back to see Dominic standing beside her with concern filled eyes.

"Let's go there" she pointed towards the spot as Dominic nodded and they made their way towards the spot. Vivian sighed as she settled on the mushy grass, she let out a soft squeal when Dominic pulled her to sit between his legs.

Her back facing him as his head rested on her shoulder "D-Dominic there are so many people here!" she whispered out.

"I don't care" he groaned out as his hands circled around her waist. Vivian smiled a bit as she looked ahead while shaking her head.

They enjoyed the noisy yet calm surroundings, their hearts felt at peace which they haven't felt for a while.

Vivian flinched as loud thunder roared through dark clouds, she cuddled deeper into Dominic's embrace as he hugged her tightly.

Fear enveloped her as her nightmares came rushing back, the dark clouds, the blood were something she saw regularly in her dreams.

"Shh calm down" Dominic whispered in her ear as his fingers ran up and down her arms in a calming gesture "breathe  breathe" he repeated in a calm voice as Vivian obliged and her breathing evened out. Dominic kissed her head as his hands stroked her hair.

"You know I hated the cold and dark weather too" he said suddenly which resulted in Vivian turning her head and looking up at him with a questioning gaze.

"Because on the worst day of my life it was raining heavily" he completed to which she nodded, understanding his situation.

"The day his father was killed,  the day his bestfriend betrayed him" she thought.

"But you don't hate it now?" she questioned, to which he shook his head.

"No" he said with a soft smile.

"Why?" she asked confused as Dominic kissed her forehead before looking ahead again.

"Because even though the rain, the dark clouds gave me a reason to hate them. They also gave me a reason to love it" he said as he looked at her "I saw you on a rainy day too, I fell in love with you on a rainy day, I vowed to marry you on a rainy day" he completed as Vivian's heart squeezed in a feeling she didn't understand.

"I know I hurt you and I don't deserve forgiveness but I am asking the last selfish thing from you. I beg you for your forgiveness because you are the only light in my life, the only reason I smiled after years" he said as his chin rested on top of her head.

Vivian's eyes welled up as she turned around and hugged him as he hugged her back "Let's forget all the negetive things in our life and start anew, let's try again. And if.." he trailed of as his grip loosened around her.

Vivian pulled back to see his beautiful eyes swam with an unshed tear.

"If?" she questioned her heart thumped, she felt sad but she didn't know why.

"I-If you don't want to give me chance even after that, t-then I'll let you go" he stuttered for the first time as his held immense sadness.

That's when Vivian saw him. She saw a little boy who was betrayed, hurt and taught not to trust anyone, she saw him crouching down in darkness hiding inside of his stone heart which was actually very fragile so that he wouldn't get hurt again.

He was taught that being strong meant being heartless, he was taught these things for so long she couldn't expect him to change overnight.

But he was trying so hard just for her forgiveness, for her love. She felt pity for him but on top of all these her heart still beat a little faster for him, she liked him and she knew it.

But was she really ready to forgive him?

Vivian hugged Dominic again as her hand ran up and down his soft hair "You just said let's get through this together, I am not leaving if you change Dominic" she whispered out as she felt him gasp as his body stiffened for a bit.

He was surprised, he didn't expect her to give him a chance after everything he had made her go through.

But who was he kidding? He knew she was way too kind for her own good. She carried her heart on her sleeves, she would give everyone a piece of her heart if they were just a little bit nice to her.

"You are way too" he said as he hugged her again tightly "I won't ever disappoint you I promise. I will wait for you to forgive me" he whispered out as a lone tear escaped his eyes but he wiped it off quickly.

Vivian turned around again as she leaned her head against his shoulder, Dominic was still holding onto her tightly fearing that she will disappear. Vivian's gaze flickered towards her right to see two kids sitting down on the grass.

The boy who looked to be around 9-10 years, a little older that the giggling girl beside him wore a flower tiara as he kissed the girl's chubby cheeks.

Vivian smiled at the scene in front of her, she knew that if she saw the same scene a few days or even a few hours ago she would be scared and would probably have another panic attack.

But now she felt a little bit stronger, she knew that she wasn't alone now. She had someone she could rely on, someone she

Yes, it was a huge word but she trusted Dominic now, she knew he wouldn't harm her anymore. She knew he loved her.

"Let's go?" Dominic whispered in her ear suddenly as she slightly shivered making him smirk. She nodded as they stood up walking back to their car.

Vivian felt like she had been released from a powerful grip of guilt, she felt alive again, she could finally breathe freely without blaming herself. She smiled as she looked at Dominic's broad back walking in front of her and then their adjoined hands.

She had finally found her closure.


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