Chapter 35

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"We need to get rid of Dominic and Damiano" Ferdinado said to a room full of hitmans and an 18 year old Seth beside him.

The first thing Ferdinado had done after waking up the next day was to call in all of his hitmen.

Seth's eyes widened as he looked at his dad in disbelief "Dad what are you saying!" he shouted and the whole room shushed as they stared at the young boy.

Ferdinado glared at the boy as he clenched his jaw "Seth go to your room" he said through gritted teeth.

Seth slammed his fists on the table as he stood up and started walking towards the wooden door.

"Give me your phone" he stopped when he heard his Dad, he turned around fuming with anger as he practically broke his phone while slamming it on the table.

Seth went up the stairs and stormed into his room while pulling his hair in frustration "No! I can't let this happen!" he thought as he knew that he had to somehow inform Dominic but cursed under his breath when he realized that his dad had confiscated his means of communication, his mobile.

"Why is Dad doing this! They are so nice to us!" Seth thought as he tried to think of a way to convey the message, his eyes suddenly fell on the brown diary that he and Dominic shared.

If he could just send the diary to him somehow through his most trusted man.

He opened the diary and flipped through the last page.

"Trouble! My dad is a traitor. Planning to k-"

Before he could write anything else he heard a loud knock on his door as he flinched in surprise and hid the diary under his bed.

The door opened as Ferdinado entered while looking around his room suspiciously and then back to his son.

"Do you know why I want to get rid of them?" Ferdinado asked out of nowhere as Seth looked up in disgust.

"No" he said, as much as he wanted to tell his Dad that it was just raw greed, he didn't because he didn't want to suffer the consequences of his anger.

"They took everything away from me" his father said in a defeated tone as he sat on the bed, Seth's heartbeat quickened in nervousness because the diary was just under the mattress.

"W-What do you mean?" he managed to ask with his gaze going from his dad then to the mattress.

"Do you know who your mother was or how she died?" his father asked as Seth shook his head remembering that the photo frames around the house were the only thing he knew about his mother.

Ferdinado sighed as he looked at the boy with much pity "Your mother was one of the top shooters in the mafia" he said.

Seth gaped in shock "M-M-Mom was in the mafia?!" he asked completely bewildered.

"Yes, it had been just a few weeks since your birth but she was forced to come back to work instead of resting at home" his Dad said with a small smile on his face as he reminisced the past.

"There was a big drug deal between this mafia group and another mafia group, Damiano Bernardi had sent one of his best men for the deal and like always his best security with them which included your mother " Seth heart felt heavy as he kind of guessed the outcome.

"They killed mom?" Seth asked as he sat beside his Dad "No! They killed him!" Ferdinado said as rage surfaced on his face.

"The other mafia group had betrayed us and we somehow found out that they were working with the cops to reveal our internal matters. Damiano had ordered to kill every last one of them but they had somehow caught you mother--" he said as a few tears formed in Seth's eyes with growing hatred.

"--They said that they wouldn't let her go until they dropped their weapons, Damiano was informed through the walkie-talkies, Damiano knew that they wouldn't just let your mother go they would torture her and extract every single information thats why he.." Ferdinado trailed off as a few teardrops cascaded down his face.

"He what Dad! He what!" Seth asked with a desperation laced voice.

"HE ORDERED HIS OWN MEN TO KILL HER!" Ferdinado screamed "I requested him again and again to not send her to that dangerous mission but he said that's how mafias worked.

I spent years and years expanding my reach to the hitmans for an alternative if I didn't become the next Mafia King!" he said as he fisted his hands.

"And now he wants that brat to succeed him? Hell no! We Seth--" he said as he held the sobbing boy's shoulder "--We deserve the title! We deserve the praise! We deserve EVERYTHING!" he completed.

Anger was a really small word to what Seth was feeling, he was livid he wanted to kill all the years of friendship became pale in comparison to what happened to his mother. He knew he couldn't continue being friends with heartless bastards.

"Let's kill them" Seth said coldly seething with rage, his face void of any emotions as he stared off into space.

His dad smiled a little at finally being able to see the see look on his son's face he had been yearning for, an emotionless face with determination in the heart.


"We know that we will infiltrate the mansion tomorrow night but how? The locks of the house changes every hour, the house members can open it using retina scan but how will we?" one of the hitmans' said as everyone present in the room hummed in approval.

Ferdinado's brows scrunched together as he put his hand under his chin "Now that would be a problem. If we can just get one person who knows the password of a particular time period we could enter" he said as he kept tapping his fingers on the glass table.

"Lisa" Seth muttered completely lost in his thoughts as everyone in the room turned towards him.

"Did you say something son?" Ferdinado said as Seth looked back at him with emotionless cold eyes, all the light and happiness that used to reside there completely lost.

"Lisa, their maid. She knows the password of every hour" he said as everyone's face lit up.

"But she is their most trusted maid, she won't open her mouth" Ferdinado said with disappointment.

"She is also a mother" Seth completed as Ferdinado nodded and smiled evilly.


Seth went up to his room while sighing in the process, everything had been settled, his people had kidnapped the maid's daughter and blackmailed her to help them when they break into the Bernardi Mansion tomorrow.

Seth took out the brown leather diary and stared at it for a few minutes, it's main purpose was to record their everyday sufferings and they tried to cover it with useless information like tv shows etc.

Seth sat on the chair and wrote down every single thing that happened to him and his mother, secretly hoping that god would forgive him for betraying his bestfriend who trusted him blindly and unconditionally.


Hey guys! This was what happened with Seth and Dominic, the next chapter will be the last "flashback" chapter. I wrote this so you all could understand Seth's point of view and his purposes.

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