Chapter 13

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v i v i a n

It was 8 in the morning and I just came home from the hospital, I stayed there whole night crying beside my mom as she and Dad tried to comfort me.

My Dad told me go home and take some rest as he would be staying with mom for the rest of the day.

I would never forgive Dominic for what he did yesterday! And now he wants to marry me? Hell no! Maybe today I would try to convince him, I hope he agrees and let me live my life. I quickly went into my room and decided to take a shower and get ready, not wanting to anger him today.

After a good 15 minutes of shower I lazily decided to dress into a light pink knee length dress with lacey design and did a little makeup to hide the puffiness of my eyes. I wore a necklace to go with outfit and applied pink lipstick.

Great! Now I look like the brand ambassador of pink! I thought as I looked up and saw that it was already 8:55 am. I grabbed my purse and threw my phone in it and ran downstairs.

I wore my white sandals and walked out of the house and locked the door

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I wore my white sandals and walked out of the house and locked the door. I turned around and my breath hitched, Dominic was standing there leaning against his black car also dressed in all black with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

How can something so evil be so beautiful? He smirked at me when he noticed me staring at him and I quickly looked down and started walking towards him and stood in front of him still looking down.

A rough hand came towards my chin and gently pushed it upwards, forcing me to look up.

His beautiful blue eyes stared right through me, if there was anyone else they would be mesmerized by it but it had just the opposite effect on me.

Anger surged within me as I was reminded of what he did to my mom yesterday, I quickly snapped my head to the side making his hand fall down.

His eyes furnished in fury as he gripped my jaw roughly "Maybe I should shoot her other leg too" he whispered in my ear as he looked coldly at me.

I gasped and looked up at him in disgust "Can we go now?" I asked him, trying to avoid the topic.

"Are you trying to order me?" he growled in anger as he pushed me against the car, making my back hit on the cold metal.

I winced in pain "I-I am not, I was j-just asking" I whispered while looking down, avoiding his cold and calculating eyes.

"Good" he muttered as he ushered me to the passenger.

After taking his seat and buckling up he started the car, the car kept driving with an awkward silence.

After a good 15 minutes of driving when I couldn't bear the silence anymore I finally spoke up "Where are we going" I said as I looked up at his emotionless face.

He turned his head and gave me glance before looking up ahead again "London" he stated calmly as he continued driving.

Lon-London?! "But it's like a 4 hour drive" I whined as I looked out of the window sadly.

"Any problem?" he asked in his husky voice as he gave me a hostile glance.

"N-No" I muttered lowly as I looked outside the window while resting my back at soft, comfortable seat.

I was startled in my seat as the loud ringtone of my phone blared out of my bag, I heard Dominic click his tongue in annoyance as I hastily pulled up my phone and answered quickly "Hello!" I said a little out of breath due to all of the nervousness in the car.

"Hello sweetie it's me, you slept fine?" my mother said from the other side of the phone.

"Um mom the thing is, I am in a car righ now" I said.

"In a car? Why? I think we told you to take rest! You kn-" my mother went on but I cut her.

"I am going to London, with Mr B-Bernardi" I said, a little nervous about my mother's reaction.

"Oh my god Viv! Why with him! When will you be back?!" My mother shouted from the other side of the phone which I was pretty sure Dominic heard.

I slowly looked up at him praying that he didn't hear my mom , but he just gave me a look that said that he heard everything.

"Maybe I will be back later this ev-" I said but I stopped when I felt his right
hand on my thighs, squeezing it a little. I looked up to see he was already staring at me as he mouthed 'tomorrow' .

"Hello? When will you be back?" my mother said .

"Uhh yeah, may-maybe tomorrow" I quickly said breaking out from my trance.

"Ok but sweetie please take care" my mother muttered sadly and I could hear her helplessness from the other side.

"By the way your friends were asking about you, should I tell them everything?" My mother asked.

"Yeah tell Amelia and she will inform the twins and Stacey" I said as I sighed and I looked out of the window to see passing trees and buildings.

"Ok Viv, take care" my mother said as she hung up the phone, I looked at my phone a little surprised that it didn't turn off in the middle of a call.

"So your phone does work huh?" a deep voice beside me asked.

"Yup" I murmured silently as I suddenly felt sleepy due to all of yesterday's fatigue and tension finally hitting me.

"And who are the twins?" he asked as he kept driving sometimes giving me a short glance.

"James and Tyler" I murmured again my eyes becoming heavy and dropping as the cool air of the air conditioner caressed me to sleep.

"I thought I told you not to hang out with boys" he said sternly while taking a sharp turn slightly stirring me from my relaxed position.

"Mhm" I whispered as I finally succumbed into darkness not remembering what happened after.


Hello guys! I know it was a little boring but it will get more and more interesting from the next chapter!

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Hello guys! I know it was a little boring but it will get more and more interesting from the next chapter!

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