Chapter 36

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"Increase the security" Dominic ordered through the phone as the head of security replied with a quick "Yes Sir".

From the morning Dominic couldn't shake off the ominous feeling that he had.

Seth didn't pick up his calls from the morning and neither did Ferdinado visit them today. "Are they ok?" Dominic thought as he paced around in the middle of the night in the living room, anxiety building up inside him.

Light glowed from outside the windows followed by a thunderous rumbling as he slightly shivered in cold.

He heard a door opening and closing as he turned around almost immediately but sighed in relief when he saw his father coming out with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Couldn't sleep either?" his father asked as he settled on the couch.

"I don't know why but I am really anxious" Dominic replied as his father nodded slightly while puffing out a smoke.

"I have that feeling too, it feels like something b-" before his father could complete his phone rang loudly in the silent house as Dominic furrowed his brows in confusion to see that it was 2:20 am and no one should call his father this late.

His father picked up the phone and stood up in a start "around 40 hitmen?!" he yelled in the phone as Dominic's heart thumped in horror.

"No no the mansion is safe no one could en-" but it was too late as the front door barged open and Dominic and Damiano looked at it with shock.

Seth, Dominic thought was standing with his father Ferdinado, silver pistols on both of their hands.

It was good that the security had been increased by Dominic or the hitmen would be here as well.

"What are you doing!" Damiano growled in anger as Ferdinado entered the house while pointing the gun towards him.

"Something that I should have done long ago" he said as Dominic tried to turn and grab his gun from his room.

"Stay right there!" Seth yelled as Dominic's eyes widened and his heart pained at the betrayal, before they could do anything, one of Dominic's men entered slowly and pinned Seth to the ground while taking the gun in the process.

Ferdinado cursed under his breath as he saw his son helpless on the floor with a gun pointed on his head.

Dominic's mother came out from the room and gasped in shock at the happenings "Mother go back inside!" Dominic screamed in his mind hoping that his mother would understand, but she didn't.

"If I am dying,  I might as well take him down with me then you will understand, Damiano Bernardi how it feels to lose someone you love!" Ferdinado said, as his gun moved from Damiano to Dominic.

"Ferdinado stop, we can talk it out" Damiano tried to reason out, "No we can't! You took everything from me!" he yelled and before anyone could move, Dominic heard a loud gunshot as his eyes squeezed shut in panic.

But he never felt the impact, he heard a low groan as his mother cried out loudly.

Dominic opened his eyes and his whole world stopped,there was a loud ringing in Dominic's head as he didn't hear anything else.

He didn't notice when Dominic's men arrived and restrained Ferdinado, he didn't notice himself ordering them to take them to the basement and torture them the best they could, he could only see the red blood that covered the ground and his father laying on the ground.

Dominic crouched down as his mother came running towards them with his younger siblings now awake and crying beside their mother.

"It's useless it's in the heart" his father coughed out when his mother tried to call the ambulance.

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