Chapter 25

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m a t u r e    c o n t e n t

Wow, was the only thing Vivian could think of right now looking up at the beautiful mansion in front of her with a shimmering marble floor and a large swimming pool.

"Let's go inside" Dominic said while placing his hand on the small of her back as they walked inside the mansion.

"You even have a mansion here?" Vivian asked while looking around the modern furniture as her eyes suddenly fell on the large floor to ceiling window.

"Few years ago I used to have a lot of meetings here and I didn't like staying in hotels, so I bought it" Dominic said while loosening the upper buttons of his shirt as he watched Vivian walk towards the window.

Vivian awed at the scenery in front of her as she looked at the shining world famous Eiffel tower.

It was the first time she had ever seen it and she now knew why it was so famous, because of its unremarkable beauty.

"You like it?" a husky voice suddenly whispered in Vivian's ear as she jolted in shock but couldn't move as the two hands wrapped around her.

Vivian slowly nodded slightly scared of the closeness and shivered when she felt soft kisses on her neck.

"N-no" Vivian muttered in trembling voice as she tried to get out of his grasp but his hold just tightened.

"Let's go to our bedroom" Dominic said breathlessly as he picked up Vivian and started going up the stairs.

"No y-you can't do i-it" Vivian struggled in his hold while trying to get out of his hold.

"Oh baby I can and I will" he said as he threw Vivian on the bed as he closed the door behind him and started taking out his shirt.

"Please don't!" Vivian shouted as she tried to get up but was pinned to the bed with Dominic on top of her, pressing his bare tattooed chest on her.

"N-" but Dominic roughly pressed his lips against her as he tore her shirt and removed her pants leaving her only in red underwear.

Dominic bit her lip as he grinded his paining rock hard erection on her pussy. Vivian gasped in his mouth as she tried to push him away.

"Fuck!" Dominic growled angrily as he looked at Vivian with bloodshot eyes, his anger increasing by his wife's rejection.

Dominic grabbed his black tie and held both of her wrist in one hand and tied them together to the headboard of the bed.

"Now stay still or it is going to be rough" Dominic said as Vivian cried in pain, her red hair sticking to her trailing tears as Dominic pushed her hair back and kissed her neck trailing down to the valley of her breast.

Vivian cried out loud while shivering when he tore away her bra and she felt the pressure increasing on her pussy as he pressed himself more on her.

"I have waited way too long" Dominic muttered before taking one of her hardened nipples in his hot mouth while sucking on it while his other hand went to squeeze the other breast while pulling on it.

An unwanted moan left Vivian's mouth as he softly bit her nipples while continuously caressing with his hot tongue.

"S-ah-top" Vivian muttered while trembling in pleasure,  which she hated because it came from him.

Dominic released her nipple and looked at her with a cold glare "your body is telling me the opposite" he said as his hands traveled down to her panty and cupping her hot throbbing heat.

Vivian moaned and tried to move away "I-I don't want it from y-you" she muttered but gasped when Dominic rolled her panty down and threw it on the floor.

His face travelled down to her wet core and Vivian shivered and blushed as his hot breath fanned against her clit.

"So wet and ready for me baby" Dominic muttered and he gave her slit a quick lick as she jolted in bed and tried to close her legs but Dominic held her thighs and spread them in front of his face. "and so sweet" he said as he attacked her clit licking and sucking it while his hands travelled up and squeezed her bouncing boobs.

Vivian moaned out loudly at the tension  building up inside her body as  Dominic continuously kept sucking on her wet sensitive part.

"N-no" Vivian whispered while continuously pulling on her tied hands.

"Let it go gattina" he whispered as Vivian trembled and relaxed her legs and shouted on top of her lungs releasing huge orgasm she was trying so hard to hold.

Dominic kept sucking on her clit until he drank all of her as he gave it a last lick before looking at her exhausted and flustered face with stains of tears.

Vivian sighed for a minute when she saw Dominic getting out of bed but her eyes widened when she saw him taking out his pants and then his boxers, putting out his huge erection on display. 

"No no no please no, I can't take anymore" Vivian said as she tried even harder to free her hands but failed as Dominic tightened the tie around her wrist and hovered over her trembling body again.

"Babygirl now it's my turn" he whispered. Dominic lined his huge manhood in front of Vivian's dripping clit as Vivian looked at it in horror "Don't expect me to go slow just because it's your first time" he whispered near her ear as violently entered her, breaking her virgin walls, ripping her from her last shred of innocence and dignity earning a loud cry from her.

Dominic groaned as Vivian's inside squeezed his throbbing dick while blood bled from between her thighs making Dominic smile proudly "so fucking tight and mine, mine only" he said as he bit her lips and pulled out almost from inside her as he thrusted violently again.

Vivian screamed in his mouth and squeezed her eyes shut as her struggle increased in pain, Dominic's hand crept up to her neck as his speed increased nearly tearing her apart.

"Open your eyes" Dominic ordered while continuously thrusting in and out of her.

Vivian slowly opened her eyes as the tears drops descended her eyes while moaning in pain.

"Say my name" he said to which Vivian didn't reply and kept crying in pain. Dominic's anger piked as he started thrusting even deeper inside her "n-no" Vivian shouted in pain as she trembled underneath him.

"THEN SAY MY NAME" he growled thrusting even more violently than ever.

"D-Dominic" she stuttered finding anything hard to say. Dominic smirked and his hold tightened around her as he came inside her while growling loudly.

Vivian screamed as Dominic forcefully turned her around,  her hands twisting above her head in the process.

"S-stop didn't you had enough!" Vivian cried in pain for being robbed of the one thing she had left.

"No! Your every innocence is mine!" he growled as he inserted his dick in her asshole and started thrusting inside her, completely ignoring the agony of the girl beneath him.


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