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7 years later.

"I don't want this bow on the floor again get it?" Vivian said sternly as she crouched down and fixed 6 year old Damon's bow over his white dress shirt and made him wear his light blue suit.

His green eyes sparkled with mischief as he nodded innocently and she knew he was far from innocent but couldn't help herself as she pecked him on his chubby cheeks.

Damon giggled as his childish laughter echoed throughout the room as Vivian smiled back. "And you Damien-" she started as she turned back only to see that Damien had taken off all his clothes and was now jumping on the bed naked.

"-Damien!" Vivian's shouted as she picked up Damon and sat him down on a chair after warning him not to move. She fast walked towards Damien as she sat him down on the bed despite all his vain protests. "-you are in so much trouble young man! I am going to tell your father!" she warned as she quickly made him wear the similar white dress shirt and light blue suit pants with blue coat.

"But Dada was the one who told me to not do anything I don't like! And I don't like to get dressed!" he said proudly in his childish voice as his green eyes fell on Damon sitting on the chair "he said that to me too!" Damon said from behind her as Vivian's eyes bulged out in shock.

"What the hell was he teaching the kids at this young age?"

"Well dada is wrong. When Mom tells you to do something you do it ok?" she said as she fixed his bow and made him wear the shiny black shoe. She picked up Damon and sat him beside Damien as she combed both of their dark hair.

"We'll think about it!" Damon said sassily while smirking at Damien as they both nodded at each other. That damn smirk was one of the things they picked up from Dominic and honestly they looked like a mini version of him.

"You two!" she shouted in disbelief as they both chuckled and kissed her each on both sides of cheeks "We love you momma!" they said simultaneously as Vivian's anger faded and her heart melted. They were going to be brats and she knew it. They knew how to use their charm.

"Ugh I am terrible mother" she cursed herself as she saw both of them jumping down from the bed and running towards the door. "Hey don't run around the house!" she shouted but before they could run out they bumped into Dominic legs.

"Boys listen to your mom" he said, his voice deeper than before while still cuddling a crying baby in his arms. Vivian walked up to him and took their one-year old daughter, Delilah, from his muscular arms. "Dada we are going to play with Helena!" Damien announced, completely ignoring him as he held Damon's hand and ran down the hallway.

"They are driving me insane" Vivian groaned out once she ensured that Helena had carefully picked them up downstairs, and walked inside the room while rocking the crying baby. "I think she is hungry" Dominic commented as he sat down beside her on the bed while untied her robe and fed Delilah.

Her teary blue eyes looked up at Vivian as her cries quieted while Vivian chuckled while caressing her familiar red hair. "She is so beautiful" Dominic said as one of his hands snaked around Vivian's waist and pulled her closer. He nuzzled at her neck while planting soft kisses "just like you" he completed as Vivian blushed.

"Dominic go get ready or we will be late" she whispered out while trying not to tremble from his touch. Dominic groaned as he attacked her lips roughly and kissed her hungrily.

Vivian pulled back as he grunted in frustration "Stop it! The kids can enter any second" she said as she tried to hide the deep red shade on her cheeks and looked down to see Delilah now sleeping peacefully.

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