Chapter 39

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"Big brother" Vivian shouted as she ran towards the man, he turned around to look at her, his face blurred out but somehow Vivian recognized him and his gentle nature.

"Big brother let's get married when I get older!"

"Big brother don't leave me!"

"Big brother!"

Vivian's eyes snapped open by a loud ringing as she groaned and rubbed her eyes and looked in front of her to see Dominic sitting on the couch with his sleeves rolled up and the laptop on his lap while talking on the phone.

His eyes travelled to Vivian when she quietly sat up while stretching as he gave her a small smile and hung up. "You shouldn't be working, the doctor told you to rest for a few days" she said in her sleepy voice as she checked the time to see that it was only 7 in the morning.

"Was he up all night?" she wondered.

"I had some important work" he replied simply as he wore his work glasses and started typing on the laptop, Vivian shrugged as she entered the bathroom and took a long shower after brushing her teeth and changing into a knee-length light blue casual spaghetti strap dress.

"I am going to Donna's room" she told Dominic after entering the bedroom again, he looked up at her through his glasses "She would be asleep now" he replied.

"Then I'll wake her up" she said as she looked around the room and noticed that the room was sprawled with files and documents as she looked back at him to be met with his tired looking eyes.

Dominic sighed as he kept his glasses and his laptop on the glass table as he rested his back on the leather couch "Come here" he said in his usual demanding tone.

Vivian shouted in frustration in her mind as she slowly made her way towards him.

Dominic pulled her in his lap with his arms around her waist once she was near him and rested his head on her shoulder as he let out a relaxed sigh.

"Just what I needed" he muttered as he slowly looked up at her, Vivian's heart squeezed as she looked at the impeccably handsome man but she knew she hated him,she knew looks can be deceiving and in this case it was true. She knew how truly evil he was.

Dominic brought his face closer as he pressed his lips against her in a warm and much slower kiss unlike most of the time.

Vivian's hand unconsciously went up to his hair as she slightly kissed him back. Dominic stiffened for a second, surprised by her reaction but he continued kissing her with all his might as their tongues danced together resulting in a slight moan to erupt from Vivian's mouth.

Vivian's eyes widened as she realized what she had done as she pulled back and slightly pushed him away while huffing for air.

"Don't deny it" Dominic said as he once again brought his face closer for another kiss but Vivian put her hand on his lips stopping him.

"Stop" she said as Dominic's face first twisted in anger and then sadness.

He sighed as he pulled Vivian to his chest and rested his head on her shoulder again.

"Why don't you give us a chance?" he muttered tiredly as he slowly kissed her neck. Vivian bit her lips trying to suppress her growing anger, afterall how dare he ask "Why?!".

"I can't forgive you. Not yet" she whispered but when she didn't get any reply she slightly looked down to see Dominic's eyes closed as he lowly snored.

He looked tired, no matter how much Vivian tried to ignore seeing it but she knew deep down that all he needed was a little love and rest.

One crazy and foolishly kind side of her felt pity for him and wanted to forgive him, but the other side of her knew self-respect and hated him for all that he had done.

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