Chapter 52

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"Come on eat this!" Amelia whined as she kept holding the piece of apple near Vivian's mouth. Vivian turned her head to the side.

"I don't want to! I am full" Vivian replied and then quickly pursed her lips so that Amelia cannot put the apple inside it.

"You need to eat so that you can get your strength back!" Donna replied angrily while cutting up more pieces. It had been a week since that terrible accident, everyone was pampering Vivian and treating her like a queen.

But she had not seen Dominic since one week, everyone was saying that he kept whining to see Vivian everytime the doctors came to inspect him, but the doctors would just blow him off. Apparently because he was badly injured and it had left his body week.

Vivian sighed as she leaned against the headboard and chewed on her apple, "You wanna see big brother too right?" Donna teased with a sly smirk as Amelia chuckled beside her.

Vivian blushed as she looked down but nodded slowly, she wanted to see him, for the first time in ever. Because he had saved her by risking his life, she wanted to thank him.

"It's ok Viv, we'll do something" Amelia said while placing her hand softly over Vivian's.

Donna smiled and nodded but then her face turned serious and worried "But Viv are you sure you are ok? You can cry in front of us you know" Donna said as Vivian shook her head "I am fine" she replied.

Vivian hadn't shed a tear since coming back here, even though the trauma was way too much for her to handle tears just wouldn't come.

And the nightmares were like a daily thing for her now, whenever she closed her eyes she would see bloodied Alexander or Seth, resulting in sleepless nights and tired days.

The door burst open revealing a huffing Murter and some doctors beside him. "Vivian you need to go back to Dominic, he keeps cursing at us for no reason and wouldn't let the doctors examine him. He is whining like a kid to see you!" Murter claimed as the helpless looking doctors came in with an empty wheelchair.

"Ok ok I will go" Vivian tried to say as emotionlessly as she could but failed when a small smile surfaced on her face. Murter quickly picked her up and settled her on the wheelchair as he started pushing her towards their room.

"Just fuck off! I don't want any examinations!" Dominic's voice boomed  omce they reached near it as Murter groaned out "See what I told you?".

Vivian giggled as they kept moving towards the room, they heard some hushed voices followed by Dominic's growl "I don't care! And Dr. Ramore you are fired!" he shouted.

Murter finally opened the dark door as he pushed Vivian's wheelchair, Vivian couldn't see anything because she could only see the doctors backs "I told you all I just wanna see Viv-" Dominic stopped as the doctors moved once they her. Dominic's eyes quickly found her as he gave her a huge smile.

Vivian's heartbeat picked up as she saw him and she indicated Murter to bring her towards him. Murter rolled his eyes as he pushed her towards the bed, Vivian and Dominic continuously kept their gazes locked with each other, finding something in their souls even they didn't know.

"Thank god you are here!" Bradley cried out to Vivian as Vivian's gaze snapped to him. He looked worn out and so did the other doctors "So I am not fired r-right?" Dr Ramore, a balding stout man voiced out.

"Yes you are" Dominic growled out.

"No you are not" Murter said as he gave Dominic a glare who just rolled his eyes.

"Help her on the bed" Dominic ordered as the doctor immediately came forward and carefully placed her on the bed beside Dominic, "Take your tests ok?" Vivian whispered beside him as she took in his form.

Bandages covered his forehead similar to her, but the bandages were also wrapped around his chest and torso, "Maybe because of the bullet wounds" she thought as her her brows creased in sadness.

His hands slowly reached out and caressed her cheeks as his eyes softened "Ok" he replied.

The doctors took this as their chance and quickly did all the tests, they asked Dominic some questions which he replied to their surprise. It was the first time he was being cooperative.

Dominic's hand found Vivian's as he intertwined their fingers, Vivian's heartbeat increased as she looked down.

"Get out" Dominic said to all of them once everything was finished as they nodded and left the room before closing the door behind them.

"Are you ok?" Vivian questioned as she looked up at him, Dominic didn't reply but one of his hands reached under her knees while the other behind her back as he lifted her up carefully and made her sit on his lap sideways.

Vivian squeaked but before she could say anything, his hands wrapped around her waist as he nuzzled his face on her neck.

"I should ask you that" he replied, his voice deep and comforting. Vivian felt safe in his arms for the first time, maybe because he saved her life.

She circled her arms around his neck as she hugged him tightly. They didn't care how much their wounds hurt them, all they cared right now was each other.

Their fastened heartbeat rushed through their body "Thank you Dominic" she whispered in his ears as he shivered a bit and his hold tightened around her.

She pushed back a little to look at his electric blue eyes sparkling with love "but don't do that ever again" she completed.

Dominic leaned forward and rested his forehead against her "If it means I can save you I will take 100 more bullets,  I don't regret anything." he purred back as his hands ran up and down her back as he continued "although I hope it doesn't come to that again".

Vivian chuckled and before she could reply his warm lips attached to her.

She was stunned for a second but she gave in and started kissing him back, she moaned against his lips as his hot tongue dived inside her mouth tasting each and every corner.

The kiss was slow but passionate, for the first time she didn't feel guilty for kissing him back. Something about it felt right.

He released her mouth as she became out of breath and started trailing kisses down her neck while mumbling soft nothings.

"God I missed you" he groaned out as he hugged her tightly, this time Vivian yelped a little in pain and he quickly released her.

"I-I am sorry" he said quickly as he looked at Vivian with concern.

"It's ok" she said as she smiled at him but suddenly her face fell when she remembered what she had done.

His fingers came under her chin as he made her look up at him "What's wrong baby?" he asked softly as Vivian looked up at him with tearful eyes.

"Dominic I killed a man" she whispered.


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