Chapter 47

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Vivian cried out in pain as her eyes fluttered open, she saw a dead body. The same dead body she has been seeing for days now, a man who tried to help her. He was one of their men, he felt a little pity towards Vivian as she reminded him of his little sister. "Justice" she muttered .

But he was killed. Brutally. When Alexander found out about him he beat him up with the spiked baseball bat in front of her and all Vivian could do was sit there tied up, cry and shout. She shouted for him to stop but he didn't listen. The same bat he beat her up with when she first refused to eat anything.

He beat her up so bad that her right eye was still swollen and she suspected her left leg was broken. Her ribs were injured as she coughed up blood a few times. She still remembers how Alexander cried and apologized to her again and again, she shuddered as she remembered his red eyes looking at her with madness.

Vivian still couldn't believe that Alexander was the same "big brother" she used to hang out with as a kid. She remembered him faintly only because he told her again and again how they met and how much he "loves" her.

Seth would come down once in a while, there was always a sullen look on his face as if he didn't want to do it. Vivian knew he would be easy to break.

Vivian tried to move but hissed in pain, there was a deep wound on her shoulder as blood slowly kept pouring out with her hands tied behind the chair. Her once waist long hair was now just a little below her shoulder.

"What do they want with my hair?" she thought a little confused as she heard the door knob twist as she tried to sit up straight. Seth came in with a plate while covering his nose because of the rotting smell of the dead body, something Vivian had grown immune to as the days passed.

"Eat it" he said as he slid the plate on the ground and took the extra chair while sitting in front of her and staring at her intensely. "You forgot to untie me" she said as she pointed towards her tied hands. Seth groaned in annoyance as he stood up and untied her while taking of his gun in the process and pointing it at her.

"No smart stunts. Just eat" he commanded menacingly as he settled back on the chair, all the while pointing the gun at her. Vivian picked up the plate which had a piece of bread and a bowl of soup. She bit on the bread as she slowly looked up to see Seth staring at her "What's so good about you anyway? Why is everyone going crazy after you?" he said as he looked at her in disgust.

"Why are you doing this" Vivian asked but it sounded more like a statement, "Didn't Alexander tell you? He lov-" he started but Vivian interrupted him. "No why are YOU doing this?" she asked while sipping the tasteless soup slowly.

Seth looked at her stunned for a minute as he gulped down the lump on his throat. "I hate Dominic" he replied as he looked away while crossing his hands hands in front of his chest.

"Why? Because he didn't kill you?" Vivian said as she looked dead in his eyes, she had heard the story from Alexander. She had earlier asked him why he and Seth were doing this and he told her their whole life history, he thought that she was interested in him.

"Yes! That's exactly why! He left me like a pest, he thought I wasn't worth his time. My mother and father both died because of him! I am glad Alexander made me realize it just like how my dad did" he growled out in anger as Vivian looked at him with an expression foreign to him, pity.

"Stop looking at me like that!" his voice rumbled as he stood up and smacked Vivian's cheeks as hard as he could. Vivian's head whipped towards the side as blood oozed out, she was used to it now.

She glared up at him "Can't you see that you were manipulated your whole life!-" she shouted.

"Stop" Seth said.

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