Chapter 18

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The Limousine stopped a little further away from a large white and blue building, which Linda had informed Vivian was their final destination.

There were various hotels and malls beside and in front of it but were smaller compared to the gigantic building in front of Vivian.

The entrance was crowded with various journalists as they tried to carry the weight of the heavy cameras. Some of them were looking here and there in search of the famous businessman's future wife, while some of them had already started reporting and asking questions to whoever came in.

Vivian's heart started thumping against her chest as she looked through the tinted window, not used to being the center of attention.

"Dominic is coming through the back door don't worry," Linda said while holding Vivian's hand and giving her a reassuring smile.

"Ok" and as Vivian replied, her side of the door opened revealing the one person she was dreading to see.

"Dominic" Vivian breathed out completely captivated by the handsome man in a complete three-piece black Armani suit, but this time with a red tie that matched her dark red dress.

His usually messily arranged coal black hair was today neatly gelled back and his stubble was shaved perfectly highlighting his sharp jawline and high cheekbones.

Vivian noticed as his face broke down in a small smirk indicated right towards her as she quickly looked down. 

"You and Donna go inside through the front door first, we will come in a bit" Dominic voiced out to his mother, his gaze steadily fixed on his soon-to-be wife.

"Okay big brother don't be late," Donna said as she gave one last encouraging smile and left with her mother while Dominic settled inside the car sitting beside Vivian. 

His gaze traveled up and down his beauty as his stone heart swelled in love and pride. Pride because after today this remarkable person was going to be his forever whether she liked it or not.

"You look enticing" Dominic commented while holding her chin and making her look up to him.

"Your family and friends are inside already" Dominic added after Vivian had said a small thank you. 

Vivian looked up at him with a start, her big eyes shining with happiness "It would be a shame if something happened to them" he said making Vivian's eyes wide in surprise.

"Don't hurt them please" Vivian pleaded with a shaky voice.

Dominic brought his face closer to her ear as he whispered "I won't if you don't do anything stupid".

"I won't, I won't!" Vivian spoke with desperation in her voice as she looked at him with nothing but fear.

Dominic cold and stiff face became a little relaxed "Good girl, it was just to make sure we were on the same page" he said as he held her small hand in his big ones as he opened the car door "Let's go they are waiting for us".

Dominic snaked his hand tightly around Vivian's waist as he pulled her even closer.

They walked on the red carpeted floor towards the shiny glass doors, various cameras clicked as reporters got out of control asking different questions but they couldn't approach Dominic and Vivian because of the black-suited bodyguards.

Vivian sighed in relief once they entered the huge hall decorated with golden and white giving it all an elegant touch. Her eyes immediately fell on the woman wearing black and sitting on a wheelchair. 

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