Chapter 57

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Dominic's hand crept under her chin as he made her look in his eyes. "What were you about to say?" he asked calmly as Vivian's eyes widened in surprise when she failed to see any traces of anger.

"Tell me sweetheart" he tried to say as softly as he could but his voice still came out rough. Vivian's heartbeat quickened as she gulped nervously but a small part of her now trusted that Dominic wouldn't hurt her. He loved her.

"I-I was studying, infact I have been studying for the last 2 months" she straight out confessed as she studied his reaction but to her surprise Dominic's lips curled up in a smile he pulled her in a hug.

"Y-you are not angry?" she asked, confused by his actions as Dominic pulled away and shook his head.

"I knew about your little endeavor darling. Infact I told your parents not to tell you that I knew because I wanted you to tell me" he said softly as Vivian's eyes welled up seeing how much he has changed since they first met. He wasn't the menacing mafia don she feared anymore, he was the man she liked and the man she was falling way too hard for.

"I always avoided coming into room during your study hours, didn't you notice it?" he continued on as Vivian nodded. "I thought it was a coincidence" she said as Dominic's eyes softened. "It wasn't my love" he said.

They stared at each other for quite some time until Dominic turned her around, so that her back was now facing him and pulled her between his legs. "Let's watch a movie" he said in her ear as she shivered a bit but nodded instantly.

Vivian flipped through netflix and ended up choosing a movie named "Apostle", it looked creepy and that's what she needed right now to get her mind off her handsome husband behind her who was clutching her tightly while leaving feather kisses on her neck.

"Thriller seriously? I thought you would choose romance" he said as he picked up a burger and passed it to her. Vivian took it as she munched on the extremely delicious burger while Dominic ate his.

"I don't feel like watching romance today" hearing this Dominic frowned as he quickly finished his burger and wiped his mouth with the tissue paper. He nuzzled her neck "Why" he questioned as he softly bit her on her spot.

Vivian moaned loudly as she held his strong arms around her, her silk nightgown didn't help either because it continuously kept slipping her off her place and now she was practically lying in Dominic. She tried to move back as she adjusted a bit, rubbing Dominic in the process. He groaned loudly as he groped her breasts and kneeded it.

"D-Dominic" Vivian breathed out when she felt him kissing her jawline as he slowly made his way towards her lips. Before she knew it, his lips covered her soft lips as he squeezed her breasts. He grabbed her hair softly as he pulled it back to tilt her head upwards, their lips moved in sync as she moaned in his mouth, his tongue came out as he licked her lower lips for entrace.

Vivian opened her lips as her left hand went up to cup his face sideways, his hot tongue instantly entered her mouth as their tongues entangled together savoring the taste of each other.

Dominic's hand caressed her body , he found his way to the waistline of her panties and cupped her pussy while running his thick middle finger up and down her clit slowly over the thin material of her undergarment.Vivian's breath hitched as her heartbeat piked up, she could feel wetness down there along with the heat radiating off his fingers.

Dominic's movements halted immediately as he pulled his hands away and broke the kiss, both of them breathing heavily. Vivian looked up at his electric blue eyes now darkened with desire as his face made a pained expression, clearly trying to control himself.

"I am sorry I don't want to force you into anything " he said as he kissed her forehead, Vivian's heart fluttered with love as took in his concerned look. She slightly turned around and kissed his cheeks as his eyed widened in surprise.

"Dominic" she whispered in a low voice ,she completely turned around around and got on her knees in front of him. His arms encircled her waist and pulled her closer , his face buried on her stomach as he looked up at her.

"Yes?" he replied, Vivian could hear his fastened heartbeat course through her body resulting in tingles to form in her core as she blushed the darkest shade of red. Just like Dominic read her expression he knew what she was about to say, he took both of her hands and circled them around his neck and stared deep in her bottle green eyes.

"Do you trust me?" he asked softly as a look of determination passed his features. Vivian's mouth opened a little at his question as she caressed his cheeks which were covered in rough stubble.

She knew even though his soul was tainted with blood of those of innocent and guilty, even though his hands were scarred with murder, even though she knew how wrong it was. She couldn't help herself, she trusted him completely and she liked him way too much to be mad at him for so long.

"I trust you Dominic and I forgive you" she said with a soft smile as Dominic's eyebrows shot up and he gave out a breathtaking smile. He pulled her closer and hugged her tightly "My love my Vivian I love you so damn much" he muttered as he kissed her deeply. Vivian smiled through the kiss as she ran his hand through his soft black hair.

His hands roamed around her back as her hands now rested on his shoulders as he kept kissing her senselessly. She could feel tingles surge through her body as Dominic's hands ran through her arms as he finally took them off his shoulder and intertwined their fingers.

He tilted down still kissing her as he laid her on her back. He left her mouth as she gasped for oxygen while he sucked on her neck. Vivian moaned out as she raised her legs to rest on his back. Dominic stopped for a minute as he raised his head up to look at her eyes.

"Tell me mio amore, do you want me to continue?" he said as he took her lower lip and nibbled on it. Vivian red cheeks turned a shade darker "Yes, I want you to make love to me" she whispered out the words she never thought she would say, especially to Dominic.

Dominic's eyes shined in love as he lowered his mouth to kiss her once again but stopped when they heard the intruding noise of her cellphone. Dominic groaned out as Vivian laughed nervously "Let's ignore it" he said once again as he kissed her while taking off her panties.

The ringing stopped as Dominic smirked in triumph but his celebration was short lived as the phone started ringing again. Dominic growled in anger as he sat up and ran his hand through his dark locks.

"Who is calling you this late?" Dominic questioned as he looked at his watch to see that it 12:32 in the night. Vivian shrugged "Maybe Amelia is calling to wish me" she replied while covering herself and picking up the phone. She frowned when she saw it was an unknown number. Her phone number was new so only a few people had her it.

"Hello?" she answered in a confused manner as Dominic pulled her close to him again and started playing with her copper colored hair that had grown a little. "Vivian" breathed out a voice from the other side of the phone she hadn't heard from months.

"Tyler?" she responded as she could hear a sharp intake of breath from behind her as his body stiffened.


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